I cannot see the pics. When I take the URL behind the pics and put them into chrome, I get: <Error> <Code>AuthenticationFailed</Code> ");"><Message> Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:3ae28c37-0001-00b4-0a11-b903f2000000 Time:2016-05-28T18:46:02.2571158Z </Message> ");"><AuthenticationErrorDetail> Signature not valid in the specified time frame: Start [Fri, 27 May 2016 19:56:23 GMT] - Expiry [Fri, 27 May 2016 21:01:23 GMT] - Current [Sat, 28 May 2016 18:46:02 GMT] </AuthenticationErrorDetail> </Error>
I'm super stoked by how well this thing has been playing in the last few days. Mad thanks to @Chronmeister, @Demption, @Max Extra, @black picture, @Spirit in Black, and @SaltyKoala for giving me layout feedback and/or helping me test it this week. I think I'm relatively close to a final layout, and then it'll be time to burn my 350 surplus pieces on prettying it up!
Did some considerable reworks and fixes on Recluse based on Max Extra's lobby's feedback. Btw, thanks you guys, you're all awesome. Anyway, before: After: Going to update the map thread with more info about the changes tomorrow
Everything looks good everyone! Would be cool if you could make underwater hallways that don't have water in them and make something with a bioshock 1 aesthetic
I mean, technically there is no real water under the surface, its just that surface layer. Everything under it is pretty much just normal space.