Ups & Downs

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Apr 8, 2008.

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  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Download Ups & Downs Here!

    Ups & Downs, a Symmetrical Fight to the Death!

    Before all, I want to give major thanks to Shad0w Viper for the role of critic-before-critics on this, he helped keep me editting and also with many other things on this map.

    Also, thanks to anyone and everyone who helped in testing.

    OHHHH and thanks to those who broke the crap out of Ins & Outs by grenade jumping, without you, i never would have made this.

    This map originated as Ins & Outs, a game where there were many possible routes to take, lots of tight turns with very in your face action, intense fast-paced action, and even a little ranged combat if you wanted, but Ins & Outs was demolished by grenade I decided to remake it, then in the process of remaking, i made an entirely different map, Ups & Downs with the same concepts in mind ofcourse. It(Ins & Outs) all started with nothing, I had no ideas for a map, no basic layout, no nothing. So I said screw it, then placed a piece, then another piece, then another, and so on until before me grew something that I did not anticipate, a base vs base action-packed map. I hope you all enjoy playing, as I enjoyed watching it grow. There are a couple of features to this map, such as art in the walls, and a goose for show. Now this map may be confusing to some at first, but once you give it a once over, you will have figured out that its no more complicated then other maps.

    Gametypes Supported:

    Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault


    2x Rocket Launcher 180 sec respawn 0 spare clips (That is right, TWO rocket launchers!)
    1x Sniper Rifle 120 sec respawn 2 spare clips
    2x Brute Shot 120 sec respawn 1 spare clip
    2x Set of Smg's 30 sec respawn 2 spare clips
    2x Plasma Rifle 45 sec respawn
    2x Spiker 45 sec respawn 2 spare clips
    1x Energy Sword 120 sec respawn
    2x Shotgun 120 sec respawn 0 spare clips
    1x Flamethrower 180 sec respawn
    2x Plasma Pistol 30 sec respawn
    2x Magnum 30 sec respawn 1 spare clip
    2x Needler 60 sec respawn 1 spare clip
    10x Battle Rifle 30/10 sec spawn 2 spare clips
    2x Mauler 60 sec respawn 1 spare clip


    1x Bubble Shield 60 sec respawn
    2x Trip Mines 45 sec respawn
    1x Overshield 120 sec respawn
    3x Frag Grenades 10 sec respawn
    7x Plasma Grenades 10 sec respawn
    6x Spike Grenades 10 sec respawn
    2x Flame Grenades 20 sec respawn

    Also, there are 2 symmetrically hidden Spartan Lasers to be found, without going into forgemode and deleting everything, post a pic showing where you found them.

    Now, it may appear that there are too many weapons on the map, but i feel it plays out pretty balanced

    Give it a shot, then give me your opinion, I've been giving alot of opinions lately, and so I anticipate some people will lay it on me pretty hard, but dl, or dont, i like it

    Ohhhh and here are those pics that everyone just loooooves having!

    This is Base A, or 1 if you prefer.


    This is the long backway.


    Take the left for the bubble, or the right for the sniper.


    This is my Design-Before-Death, muahaha, don't stare too long, like this spartan did.


    These are the showrooms!


    This is where the flamer is place, hopefully it will be used burning elites/spartans to the ground


    Now, dl, forgethrough(as im sure you all will), then FIGHT!
  2. Old PatchworkZombie

    Senior Member

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    Tex, your a little noob and this map sucks....
    Just think before you post another...
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ouch, i had fun making this, i would also like to note this was lazily done toward the finish because i just wanted it done, i can do a hell of alot better, ie. im no noob you fool, and i believe you may be upset from what i had said yesterday, which was something referring to the rules of forgehub. Sorry about that, but ya, if im such a noob, please tell me why and how, instead of namecalling and bullying like some 7 year old...
  4. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, this looks pretty good. From the screenshots, i like the layout, and it looks like it could be some fun!
    Good job!
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Your map looks fun from what I can see, but it's a little difficult trying to figure out how your layout is set up. Could you possibly take an overall shot to better show the map? From what I see, the map looks pretty good. The interlocking looks clean, and the areas that I can see look interesting. There are a few areas that probably need tweaking. The section with the bridges looks a little sloppy, and might look a little cleaner if you flipped the them over as well. Another thing you may want to go back and changed for a V2 is the fence wall in your 3rd picture. Its raised above the box you have placed so there is a bump when you cross over from the fence to the box. You could fix this by merging the fence wall into the box. Its a small change, but it will drastically change game play. Your map looks fun overall though. Keep on forgin'.
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya, thanks alot draw the line, these critiques are some of the things i was talking about when i said i got lazy...i really just wanted to get this map out there, and have some people play it, and get some opinions of the basic layout before i went and put more then 50+ hours on it, you know? I have made maps before that took lots of time, and had like no reviews ( i speak of bungie. net...this place rocks, i love you all and your opinions

    Oooh, and as for the overhead view of the map, its kinda hard to manage one because of the 3rd level boxes, i hate g-jumpers...
    #6 Tex, Apr 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008
  7. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks & sounds pretty good from the Description and Screen shots.. I made a map with the similar name (Just didn't pluralize it) But your map looks a lot better than mine. I'll download and get back with a more in depth post.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why thank you good sir, if you have any other critiques besides the sloppy bridges & non-locked fence, please throw them my way.
  9. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think it would be a fun map but the interlocking isnt that great
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gah, the interlocking is fine, its the non-interlocking where i went wrong =/ as a matter of fact, dl it, and look at the interlocked pieces, its actually not bad
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Patchwork, this is exactly what Nitrous was talking about in the update. Forge Hub doesn't need disrespectful, degrading comments like this. Not sure where you get off with something like that, but it doesn't fly around here. Take that BS over to Bnet.

    Now, back on subject. Tex, I agree with DTL. the map looks interesting, but the close-up pics leave alot to be desired as far as the map post goes. The layout is difficult to picture. I really like the 3rd pic, looks very clean. I'm not a huge fan of the bridges on the back wall. maybe its just cause I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like this, but seems like they could be a little straighter. Overall it seems like you did a nice job, though. I'll give it a go.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yay a dl, no but seriously, as i mentioned before, i know about the bridges, and slight imperfections, i guess im waiting to hear someone complain about the weapons, or the spawns, or something...people please dl and test it out with ur friends, then get back to me, i want new critiques for v3 please! (yes v3 if you didnt read the description, v1 had the ability to grenade jump atop the map, and rape anyone who existed...)
  13. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the props and I'm glad to see that the map is doing well.
  14. Private_Vivi

    Private_Vivi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the little "showroom" areas. Fun!
  15. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^Go nibble on a walrus choad n00b.
    (sorry, I had to say it)

    Lawl necro bumpz!!
    #15 Chipsinabox, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why...the...hell...did...this...get...necro...bumped...FblamCK!!! MODS CLOSE THIS THREAD NOW PL0X
  17. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Locked, as per user request. Please


    Thank you, and have a pleasant day.
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