are there things that you want to see in a map and never had time to do? tell me and i will get a new map out with your requests once the map is done i will send you all links to the map IF YOU HAVE GOOD IDEAS AND YOU HAVE TIME TO MAKE MAP AND YOUR NOT LAZY THIS POST IS NOT FOR YOU
i want originality, can you provide originality? i would love to see something new in forge...SHOW US NEW!! PL0X
Yeah, that's what I thought. Also, I just noticed that I basically asked if he was doing the same thing or the same thing. Wow.
i have ideas and i've got 4 maps in the works right now....but new ideas are never bad also there are people that have great ideas but dont have time or are just to lazy and i'm here to help them
here are a few ideas a mayan temple a sanctuary remake any kind of star wars themed maps a map wih a rocket/misile silo (its a great idea but i have no clue how to make a round misile) a pirate ship on avalanche (those energy barriers would make great sails) a dam based on the sierra 117 level
You just gave him ideas that maps that have been made out of, you , you gave him ideas for map that were going to be famous how could you.
everything on this thread, so far, has been done at some point, but most of you young'ns probably don't remember back to the days of the guilders...