You're right, 'needs more interlocking' is hardly feedback as it doesn't really tell you what you should change. I think interlocking for visual purposes is a matter of preference and so a map shouldn't be discounted for this reason. Interlocking that matters is that which affects gameplay-holes in walls, mismatched heights, bumpy surfaces etc. From your pics the 2nd base looks like the fence walls don't quite meet up which can cause lost grenades (not often but it can be annoying). Using the top of boxes for a surface also can cause bumpy floors due to the curves at each edge, interlocking them slightly or just flipping them upside down can help with this. That said, I think this looks like a good map. It seems very neat, planned and well constructed. Interlocking for interlockings sake is senseless and this map has a great visual appeal as it is, if a little plain in areas. All objects look placed for a reason and nothing seems out of place. You like the mancannons I notice, not something I'm so keen on personally but my brother will be happy to see this. Definitely a download
Thanks for changing the title!! I was hoping to get more dwloads with this title but i guess i didnt lol IMPORTANT: New pics with more interlocking, the fence of the second base fixed and other things will be updated tomorrow (i am sorry but i didnt do nothing to the second floor, it is a pain to try to interlock it, i will TRY to switch the double boxes so that the smooth part is on top, but i dont promise anything)