*UPDATE*- click the map name for the dowload link. Enjoy! Map Name: It's King Tut Palace, it's supposed to be like a pyramid, except it has kind of a rectangular shape to it. This map will has 4 floors/stories/levels for combat. Verison 2: Version 2 (King Tut V2) is now on my fileshare. The main feature of version 2 is that the map gradually builds itself from ground floor and up. It's really cool! It also contains editing for Assault, Oddball, Juggernaut, CTF, and King of the Hill (v1 has King of the Hill also.). Weapons List (Both versions have the same weapons.) Battle Rifles x 4 Rocket Launchers x 2 Spartan Laser Human Sniper Rifles Assault Rifle x 1 Flamethrower x 1 Fuel Rod Gun x 2 Energy Sword x 1 Gravity Hammer x 1 Plasma Grenades Frag Grenades Equipment(Both versions have the same equipment.) Camo x 1 Overshield x 1 Grav Lift x 1 Bubble Shield x 1 Author: me, Wally16 Some Pictures (Actual map varies a little with more objects for cover, spawns, weapons and what not; these were pre-finshed map picks) Inside the Walls (Right Side): Inside the Walls (Left Side): The Hall Between Right and Left: Different Angle Views: Inside (Ground Floor):
I just gotta add some weapons, build a little bit more on it, add spawn points, and some obstacles for cover from fire.
well i tell you the first pics made me think aww a nother stupid tunnle map but once i saw the forth pic i was soled nice layout and it is good to see a map that is not all interlocked but a little might have helped
The bottom floor seems a bit bare. (the one with the wall floor) Maybe you could put some crates, barrels, and other scenery in there so it doesn't look so bland?
Wow it looks great. I like the layout a nice central tower with ramps around the sides and a small tunnel system this would be great for any type KoTH. The only thing is do you have a list of weapons on the map?
hah so this is the famous rectangle map? I like, I like. I heard it was fun. Downloaded. also, hey wally. I;m from bounce fx too .
wow, looks like a fun map. um, yeah, its probly not a good idea to post an incompleted map. you should probly have just posted in the general forum to get opinions or have just waited til tomorrow
I understand why you posted this early, just saves some time. But, I don't think your supposed to post without a link, it's against the standards, so next time just wait, or maybe post it in map testing, or forge discussion. ____________________________________________ I like the layout, but yeah, interlocking helps a lot, even if it doesn't affect the gameplay.
you should make the middle be an elevator now that would super cool but if you cant then thats ok good job
the first few pics looked like pretty good tunnels, then at the pic of the other part it looks really awesome. nice job looks good can't wait till you finish it.