Do you guys agree with the fact that Bungie made the new policy that when you comment on a map, screenshot, etc. it WON'T bump it back up to the top. The only way for maps to stay on the front page is that you have to post a new map.
How will maps gain popularity then? You would have to sift through the disgusting chaff of maps a million times to find a good one. I wonder what the community favorites are gonna look like now...Bungie should just base that off of Forgehub lol.
While this does help stop map bumping, but I agree METAL. It's probably going to hurt more then it's going to help.
Yeah i think the bungie favorites would decline alot. Their would probably just be a bunch of crap and the good stuff would get set pages backwards.
I agree. It would ruin it. How will truly good maps gain a lot of attention when it gets bumped for new maps.
That sounds like a good idea, right up until you see 'Quarantine' zombie maps. Oh well, I'm hoping that they at least put some thought into them.