Is this idea new or overdone?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ufochaser42, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    I have an idea, but am new to this website, so don't know if its overdone already.


    Basic idea: An objective map where the goal is to navigate a maze (duh).

    The Twist: With respect to the original Greek mythology, one player will be the Minotaur: a Juggernaut with extra health or shields wielding an unlimited hammer/power weapon of choice. The best way to score it would probably be as a territory game type. The player(s) have to defeat or bypass the Minotaur and get to the end of the maze, capturing the territory and getting a point. The players could either be a team battling against the Minotaur, or individually battling each other and the Minotaur for control.

    It seems a bit obvious to me. Thats why i was afraid that it was already done and done again, so wanted to ask before wasting time making it. If it hasn't been done, are there any errors in my plan that need fixing?
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    The concept seems different... but the gameplay would be no different than most Juggernaut or Territories games.. and anyways, you can't mix the two to make what you're trying to make.
  3. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    Actually, I think it would be really cool if the minotaur was invinicble.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    There is always a way he just has to find it...
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    A way that comes to mind is having it in Territories. Prior to the game, one player (the minotaur) joins a team alone, say red team. In the map, have the red team spawn and respawn in the center of the map, inside an enclosed room, one wall section per side. There would be a custom powerup in there that constantly respawns. It would give the minotaur any traits you want. You'd need to either give him reduced gravity or a box to jump on so that he can get out of the room.

    With reduced gravity, he could quickly bypass the maze, so he wouldn't get lost like everyone else. If he dies, he respawns in his room with the custom powerup.

    The only problem with this setup is that if the powerup runs out (can you set it for 3 minutes or just 1?), he can't get back into the room for it. This problem could be eased a little by giving players infinite ammo for the first 45 seconds of their life. When the minotaur notices that his ammo is no longer infinite, he should head back to the room for another powerup. This ammo trait will apply to all teams that respawn, but it shouldn't impact the game too much.

    You could scatter territories anywhere across the maze that you wanted. Be advised, this setup will require players to follow honor rules: no grenade jumping into the minotaur's spawn room for the custom powerup.

    Anyway, it's starting to sound pretty cool. I hope that helps you out, and I look forward to maybe seeing someone make this game.
  6. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Labyrinths are obviously overdone. But with a twist, anything can be made new.

    And I dislike the idea of having to take down a "guardian" of the endpoint. It just doesn't seem fun. It's hard to make it balanced, so in the end either the guardian will end up dominating, or the other team will constantly kill the guardian. Either way it would be too easy or too hard.

    What I would prefer is if everyone had one life, and the endpoint had numerous ways to enter, and the guardian, who is basically invincible, has to eliminate the competing team and protect the endpoint as much as possible. This broadens the gameplay to incorporate strategic movements, careful positioning, luring, and stealth, which I feel is a lot more exciting. Also, it would be cool if the round doesn't end when one person enters the territory - but I'm not sure how you would manage to do that. The guardian would get a number of points per kill he gets, while the other team would get a number of points per person that makes it into the territory.
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Labrynths are not overdone. The idea may be, but actual good mazes of any type are few and far between. Besides, if the gameplay is original, the map doesn't need to be amazingly ground-breaking, too. After all, it's the gameplay you'll remember, not the geometry of the map.
  8. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Your whole post was a great Idea Furious, but the opposing team wouldn't know when the minotaur ran out of custom powerup, so he could pretend he had it and the attackers would run scared or kill him so he gets it again... or make it like Tremors where theres a couple... And if you're not doing this UfoChaser, could I take the idea? PLEASE!!!
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Proving Orangeremi wrong, priceless. Just kidding.

    Back on topic:

    Sure they would, make it forced color white or something. As for killing him, what's wrong with that? It gives them a few seconds of relief while he's waiting to respawn.

    The worst thing that could happen with this setup is if the minotaur runs out of custom powerup while he's in a corner of the maze with no one around. It would take a while to find any enemies, and he wouldn't be able to jump around the maze any more. Perhaps he should have grenade regeneration so that he'll always have a way to commit suicide when the powerup runs out. Just set suicide penalty to 0 seconds.
  10. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    Instead of the reduced Gravity, just a teleporter out. The custom powerup can last 90 seconds, so 90 seconds of whatever he gets then it wears off. If he doesn't die with it on, he doesn't need it, but if he does, he gets it when he respawns. That's my opinion anyway.
  11. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Wow, lots of responses and ideas in such a short period of time! And at such a late hour on a Sunday of all days! Are some/most/all of you not in the US? Or just night-owls such as myself?

    I dislike the idea of honor-rules. There always seems to be someone who doesn't play by them. A solution that avoids this is preferred.

    That is more what i had in mind, but wasn't sure how it would play.

    Have at it! You guys that have been doing this longer would likely do a better job at it than me. I'm still a bit sketchy with regard to making game type variants, which would be necessary for this application. Just give me some sort of credit for the idea. I'm not a credit-*****, but i'd hate to miss out on a chance at some Recon if Bungie thought this idea was worthy... lol
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Ooh, good idea. I still say give him reduced gravity for easier travel across the map, after all it is 1 vs. lots. But a teleporter is good because it prevents people from cheating their way in. Then if it wears off, he can commit suicide if he really wants the traits back.

    My only concern with the teleporter idea is that if the minotaur dies, players can camp the tele exit. I'd put multiple random receivers throughout the map, possibly exiting on a maze wall above the action.

    EDIT: Yay, collaboration! This is what Forge Hub is all about!
  13. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    You and Furious D would get some credit for these great ideas if I do finish it, but it might take some time.. Thanks!
  14. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    this idea has been used. and mazes have been overdone. however all mazes are different and a juggernaught in a maze has been done rarely (wow my sentences are bad). i suggest you make a really good maze and figure out how to make a jauggernaught very compatible with the maze.
  15. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Instead of the Minotaur having low gravity, it could just be quite quick.

    Only having one life might be quite harsh on noobs though. Just make it so the minotaur scores when he kills people, and the other team score when they get to the end point- then make it first to 20 or something.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    For the custom power up thing, I'd just put the minotaur spawn point in the air over the room that you want him spawned in. Then put the custom power up right below it. That way, he can only get it if he dies. Dunno how you'd make it work after that.
    Anyways, this idea is pretty good. Labyrinths aren't overdone; it's just the ones currently made usually are sloppy, and not very good mazes. If you can make a good maze, with a good gametype, I'll happily que.
  17. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    No, you don't need a custom power-up...

    Territories has a built-in mechanism for giving different traits for defenders of a territory, and attackers of a territory (which means these traits are only active if you are in the territory). If you own the territory you are a defender of it (the minotaur guarding the "end of the maze"), and if you don't own the territory you are an attacker of it (those trying to take the territory). You can give everyone the same base traits when they are outside of a territory, but they would have different traits inside of a territory based on control.

    Note: if the end of maze territory gets taken, the minotaur becomes an attacker of it... because he no longer owns it.

    I believe there may be one problem though. I think there is a minimum number of territories you must have... Solve your problem from here ufo.
  18. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    This would work really well. The territory is at the end of the base. The Minotaur spawns in the territory and the gametype is the one where you don't lock bases, just hold them. Then, the Minotaur is at the end, and must keep the others from getting his Territory.
  19. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I want to stress the fact that the "defending traits" only apply if you are within the boundaries of the territory (I think). That would mean that the minotaur would have to camp out at the end of the maze and wait for enemies to find him.

    I think I'd have more fun with this game if the minotaur was able to chase people away, track them down, and generally control the whole map.

    The thing I don't like about this idea is that the minotaur could still get lost like the rest of the group. I'm picturing a group of people that have never played this maze before. If the minotaur could jump over walls, he'd have an instant advantage over the rest of the group, even though he has no more knowledge of the map than they do.
  20. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    These are all really great ideas! And to think my initial question was just in regards to whether or not it had been overdone already! It looks like from all the various ideas that it could be done a number of different ways that that are both feasible and fun. This is an interesting exchange to watch. I can practically hear the wheel turning in all of your respective heads.

    I have another idea now! Since it has caught the imagination of so many people, what if each of you made your own map, using my general idea of Maze and Minotaur, and then we vote over whose works the best?

    A Guilder Map-Off! The Battle of the Builders!

    Anyone up for it?

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