I've got a rock arch in my newest project (home made, not one of the preset arches), and it is used as a ramp of sorts. Climbing up/clambering it is a little bit finnicky. Part of me likes that it is a little cumbersome to climb up, because of its nature, but part of me thinks its annoying for the player. Any comments/suggestions? Btw - the arch is a quarter circle
This would be good for a Containment remake. Was it no god anywhere that did that one? I don't remember right now
Hopefully the gif works. I did a little more work today and it is testable. It's just a fun project, so I'm not going to worry to much about how solid the gameplay is from a competitive standpoint though I do have a few things I wanted to achieve with this. 1, I wanted to make it 3 way symmetrical. 2, I wanted you to be able to access almost any bit of geometry even if it seems over powered and 3, I want to do scripting to have power ups (1 os, 1 camo, and 1 damage boost) spawn in a cycle of 3 places every 2 minutes. Besides that, I was mostly toying around with the new textures.
It will look awesome on My Backwash remake too once I get home next week to update it, but no one will ever see it, because it's Backwash... Lol
Alrighty, I haven't made much progress on my marble map, but I really like what I have so far. I'm kind of going for a damnation design style, where you are constantly working your way up and around. Thanks for looking
Extremely nice use of soft contrasts, all earth tones and white. Very nice. I think that the only problem with how this map "looks" (first pic) is the sharp boxy corners everywhere. They make this map look forged, because it doesn't look natural. I really love that third pic, the stairs and the columns. Amazing...
Thanks! Most of what you see in the first picture is the "blockout phase." I like to forge a section with just base geometry and then go over it a few art passes. It's a really nice way to make your map aesthetically consistent.
man im super burnt out on Forge at the moment. sitting down to forge and then thinking of all the potential maps to make, but having no idea which one to pursue or what layout to create makes it really discouraging. this is like the third night now of staring at a blank canvas.
Kinda my problem as well. I also can't seem to start a blockout or layout without trying to nail the aesthetic right away leaving me with a lot of time wasted without getting much done.
What do you think about forging an air craft carrier that could play several different game types in different areas of the ship. Try to make the hulls, hatches, etc., look realistic with elevators that actually move up to the flight deck.