(this is my first post so let me know how i did, lol. and how the map is too) Syndrome is an infection based game. it starts off with the zombies in a caged hallway right next to the human's spawn point. the zombies go straight and the humans go up humans have basicly one way to go. its a path that is right above a door that can be opened once its opened zombies can come and go as they please. past the door you can make it to the hallway in the base area you can eather go to the armry (wich has a weak point so be quick) or out and up. the best place for you to go is what i like to call "Last stand". follow the path to get there. youll find your self on a bridge over the zombie spawn point... just look out for a hole in the bridge. make it across to the box and jump down and and up the stairs at the end of the trail on "last stand" theres a spartan laser that only last man can get. game type makes it so everyone has a low jump exept last man. alpha zombie speeds up. and last man turns white. map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=37189509 gametype: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=37183916
Looks fun for a new infection maze map. I'm kind of getting sick of Omega Journey... FIRST POST!!! lol
its looks like an extremly well thought out map and also very fun to play. another thing is you got your first post spot on so yay !!! now for critism, i suggest making a v2 after you have perfect some more advanced forging techniques such as interlocking or even geo merging in places which all can be found in http://www.forgehub.com/index.php?pageid=forging101 its handy and also try using the flatter side of the double box creating a smoother and more profesional look overall 3/5 good job
I'm guessing the armory is useless until there is one human left then? If so good. If not... Other than that, it looks pretty nice( interlocking could have made it better) and it looks unique! Well done!
Most people don't exactly love armories. Besides, it's best to scatter around the weapons anyways unless you give them barely any bullets and non-unlimited ammo.
First of all, nice post! i love when people do their first post right! now, for the map. hmm... proabably a 3/5. Like others said, interlocking makes it look alot neater. and yeah, dont put armories in maps. but no worries, me and practically everyone else had one at some point too lol.
Did I read right? "A bridge over the zombie spawn point. . . . . just look for a little hole in the bridges." Are you trying to encourage spawn killing the zombies? If so. . . *shudders* ______________________________________________________________________ Anyway, the map looks like it might be fun for humans, but not for zombies, I could be wrong though. I have to give you credit for making a weak spot in the armory. I still don't like the thought of an armory but at least the zombies have 2 entry points.