Tired of regular bowling? then try new Halo 3 Bowling!!! overview 1: overview 2: overview 3: overview 4: Step 1: get into mongoose Step 2: start driving down the lane Step 3: hit the pins as fast as you can! Step 4: EXPLODE!!! Step 5: wave to the camera! remember, good luck and good bowling!!! download here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36918933
1st off, why not make it on foundry, using imovable objects help, second off, seams kinda pointless, almost like getting in a warthog on standoff, and just drive of the cliff, maybe it just isn't appealing to me
I think this map will be interesting for screenshots. therefore i will recommend making a v2 with immovable objects and putting some aesthetics in and i will happily download more of these types as i like screenshots good job on a first attempt and very good first post
Lol i think that you should have made it in a place like Foundry also if you take down one of the fusion coils most likely all of them are also going to explode =/ Good try though?
Everyone says it should be on foundry, but it is nice to see a forged map on last resort. Sadly, this could be much better on foundry.
well it may be a very simple and boring looking map but what is better that hitting a fusion coil with a mongoose!!!!
its a good idea.you should try making it so you just have to knock over stuff instead of blowing yourself up. And since now theres a soccer ball...... hintity hint hint
Sorry but this is pointless and not even worth the little memory it has just wasted on the internet. Welcome to ForgeHub and really do hope you start making better and original maps.
This is so cool. My fav. part is when you get blown up. You should really start thinking about making more of these.
That is a horrible idea, then you would run at the explosives and shoot. This has no originality and nothing is even made except a few explosives and some mongooses Try to make better maps without horrible ideas that have been used hundreds of times 1/5