Title: Marketplace DOWNLOAD: CLICK HERE (When you gotta go you gotta go) RESTROOM It is Three years after the Halo Wars and a threat has returned to Earth, reeking havok throughout our cities. The Flood has spread in the hundreds of millions leaving few survivors. The few men and women left have found sanctuary within a downtown Shopping Mall off of highway 408, code named Spartan Highway. As the Infection spreads, do your best to fight off the enemy by battling within Restrooms, Elevators, Fountains, Air-Ducts, and Market Shops. - INFECTION - CTF - KOTH - SLAYER This Game has you battle through different Arenas that you would normally see in an everyday Mall in a City near you. Be a coward and hide in a bathroom stall while the Infected search for flesh, or make your way into the Air-Duct from the Mens Room and Snipe your enemy wondering the Court yard for another victim. There are small shops to pop into to avoid being seen by passing Zombies, or Fountains to Cover you when you use your Active Camo located inside the Air-Duct. Tired of waiting for the elevators to make it to your floor? Use the Updraft in the Elevator Shaft to move you from floor to floor. There are 3 Floors to this mall, not including the Air-Duct. If you have patience, then wait a moment on the first floor by the middle Elevator shaft and an elevator will Arrive at your floor with a lovely Rocket Launcher to destroy the infected. There is a Maintenance Area that you Access from the Mens Room or from the Back of the Shopping Square with a long narrow hallway to go head to head with the last of the infected. Have Fun! Enjoy! and PLEASE, SEND ME AN INVITE. I wanna play this map against the Infected!!! GAMERS TAG ::: PonyDx (Market Squares Beautiful Fountain) (FIRST FLOOR ::: LEADS TO MEN'S ROOM & MARKET SQUARE) (FIRST FLOOR :: Elevator Shaft "Empty") (Elevator "Bing Bong.. watch your step, 1st floor Rocket Launchers) (Stairway with small Fountain) (SECOND FLOOR ::: ELEVATORS ::: Brute Shot) (THIRD FLOOR ::: OVERSHIELD & MUALER) (MARKET SQUARE :: ITEMS IS UP FOR GRABS) "You Break,You Buy" (HATCH TO AIR-DUCT OVERLOOKING MARKET SQUARE) (AIR-DUCT LEADING TO MENS ROOM :: SNEAK ATTACK) (GET THE DROP ON THE ENEMY :: AIR-DUCT TO RESTROOM) (BACK ROOM :: ATTACHED TO MENS ROOM) - No YouTube Video present "yet" Thanks for stopping by...
I have posted this map before, in another thread but someone told me it belongs in this Forum/Section so I put it over here to see what kinda feedback it gets... It really is an INFECTION map so I believe this is where it belongs. Thanks for the feedback.
Normally, I wouldn't waste my time with infection, but I have to say that this has caught my interest. I like how you have set up the map for game types other than Infection. However, reading your story and taking another look at the screenshots, it looks more compatible with the zombie game type. I adore your use of shield doors, they are very clean cut. This map thread does need a description other than a story, that would really inform the user more about marketplace. I really like what you have done here. Keep it up. =]
I have put up a DESCRIPTION page and took a bunch of new screen shots to help with an overall view of what this map has to offer. Thanks for the feedback, but please remember to leave feedback AFTER you have DL and played this map.. I would love to here some comments on what would make it better.
looks a bit unbalanced where all the equipment is.....but idk what you have the spawn at so I can't judge...but other than that...nice map
Way to combine a total non-understanding of how aids is transfered along with the malice to use such an ugly disease as an attempt at a joke. Hey when are those 11.5 years up so cancer is funny? :/ Map looks great man,very in-dept.Not sure if the pics do it justice but ill DL and get back to you tomorow By the way if this map does have all thsoe secret passageways and cool stuff,you should set it up for more than infection. Itd make a great territories map from what ive seen(what could be more classic than valiantly defending the johns?) Throw in some others too but dont limit your map to zombie,personelly i and many others dislike zombie for the most part.
It isnt unbalanced, there are weapons all over the Mall. You just have to find them. The beauty is you can download this map and change the location of the equipment and other items to how you want the game to play out. thanks for the feedback.
Thanks, I really enjoyed making this map and hope that someone will play a few games of INFECTION or SLAYER on it and will Submit a Video of it. I would love to put a video of actual Gameplay going on of this map.
This map is very well done, nice and neat. I like the fountains ans I also like how everything flows together nicely. My only criticism is that, in my opinion, the map could have been a little bigger. Maybe a second version could solve that problem..... Great map.
I did the Haloramics to get the Image to look spread out.. it makes for a nice looking banner to display the map. the font is just 1 of like 800 different fonts on my computer. Thanks for your feedback.