If you want to include map links from halo waypoint into your map posts you must use the 'update map' feature in the sidebar. This is the only way for us to incorporate this feature at this time. We're looking into editing the default nature of this forum software in the near future. For now, this is the best solution for preexisting maps on the site.
Why not remake a Gears map? I'm pretty sure there are some that could translate well to Halo, at least with a few tweaks. --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2016 --- Good thing I never post my finished maps in the first place! ... someone play my maps with me please...
I agree more will remember this from Labyrinth, so I've named it Labyrinth Relativity... Fixed it a bit more, still needs some polishing up and working on lighting and shadow
The maps in the Gears 4 beta would work well for halo I think, particularly Foundation I like the idea of having neutral longshot/frags/boomshot with the longshot having a direct line of sight to the boom a lot, but ALL THREE maps in the beta have that same concept. It's cool, but I feel like they should have varied the intentional encounters a little bit from map to map.. I find myself wanting some inverse syms like Ruins or River In other news, I'm working on a symmetric 4v4 with little to no planning and, surprisingly, it's turning out well. Will post pics soonish
I'm not sure too many of these young whipper snappers know what the Labrynth is & only know who David Bowie is because he just died.
I thought about foundation as that is the map that inspired the aesthetic. I think it would look good with a Ghost Town from halo 3 styled map. I'm gonna mess around with some designs with ghost town in mind and see where it goes.
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/RegrettedKarma6/video/17034615/ Some gross lighting I need to work on, even after it won't be pretty, but I kind of wanted to nail down the design before I try and make a map that's pretty as well as functional like everyone else is doing superbly lmao
If I record a video on Xbox dvr how do I embed it so people can watch it without having to click a link? Or do I have to make it into a YouTube video?
I think the latter is the case. Even if you could embed them, I'd imagine they're kinda glitchy because screenshots hosted on xboxdvr are
Yeah I remember using some in the first weeks forge came out. I can't remember for the life of me what they were though.
Gonna post a map thread for Tremont Square sometime this week. Mostly posting this here to get it in writing so ya'll can hold me accountable.
I thought the stairs had physics like ramps so we didn't need blockers? I swear I had blockers on mine in Trestles then took them out after a certain update because they changed them. Then I tested my stairs & they treated naded just like a ramp. I know this for a fact unless it got changed again?!...
Stairs are fine now. Invisible barriers no longer block grenades though. If you create patterns on your floor or walls, grenades will catch on any uneven areas and bounce randomly even if you cover them with invisible barriers.
The current ones are great for stopping people from getting out of maps. The old ones were great for making floors smooth. I wish they kept the old ones in while adding the current ones though.
There are definitely scenarios where it is useful to have it not block grenades, such as having a grated floor you want to be able to shoot through. I'll admit it may be more useful to have it the other way, but I'd prefer to have both options
Being able to make a giant wall around your map is a very reliable way to make your map air tight, and it's not a good thing if grenades don't fly out of the map but bounce back in. It's not an immersion thing, that would just be stupid. We should just be able to select what can and can't pass through the barriers.