Easter Egg here Basically, it shows bungie laughing in our face about interlocking, and I thank Rusty Eagle for this discovery, n posting it on the shoutbox, or I would have never seen this...
I would have never noticed that, because I hate the default Foundry setup with a passion and stay well away from it. I love how most of the responses in Rusty's thread were pretty much clueless on what interlocking was. That's hilarious. What bastards.
Whats the big deal? By not telling us about a known glitch in the game they are "laughing in our faces"? I don't see why Besides it was found pretty fast after the release of DLC. In fact I was "interlocking" movable objects before the heroic map pack and I'm sure lots of other people were too. Place a crate, rocket it away and put another in its place. Thirty seconds later you have interlocked crates. It was just a nifty trick as far as I knew and didn't think to try immovable objects when the heroic map pack came until the forge 101 but others did and the word spread.
There is no big deal Mallet, just an interesting find? Sorry, you found this distasteful, but I can actually see Bungie giggling like school-girls because everyone is FREAKING out about interlocking...
Bungie didn't use Forge to make their maps. All they did was use a program called Guerrilla and set up the objects how they wanted. Even then, I just checked the default Foundry, and it's pretty sloppy. There are small gaps seperating boxes, etc.
indeed, default foundry is ridiculously horrible...as for the fact that they didn't use forge to make their maps, I understand that, though I still think there is a chance they knew about interlocking & merging before they released it, and that it's not some "glitch" it's solely a matter of opinion, considering Bungie would never actually release that information...
I was checking out the interlocking they did, and figured there would be some other things on the map like that. If Bungie did use forge for this, although I doubt it, they knew how to geomerge too. If you check near one of the stairs, one of the double boxes next to the dumpster nearby is merged into the wall, and grabbing it moves it out just as if you had it geomerged.
Epic find good sir, i have yet gone and checked these facts out for myself, don't really have time to go into default foundry personally...
1 - Im pretty sure Sarge and Shock found this and showed Rusty, because Rusty showed me. 2 - Thats not the only piece of interlocking on that map. 3 - This is no proof that Bungie knew about interlocking. As nemi said, Foundry was computer generated. Not made in forge. Saying that, it would be easily possible to accidently (or deliberately) merge 2 items together in the designing stage, so that when the default Foundry was made, they were interlocked.