Budget Glitch - Bad For The 360

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Reynbow, May 29, 2008.


Do you think the Budget Glitch could contribute to overheating and possibly the RRoD?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Well here we are, someone find out how to glitch Forge Mode so you can place items past the budgets restrictive limit.
    This glitch has been helpful to quite a few people in creating their maps and is certainly a favorite tool used by quite a few forgers.

    The question I ask you is, is using the Budget Glitch a good idea?

    First a quote from some random from BNet
    This quote sums it up pretty nicely and I think the best way to sum it up would be to say, Bungie is the creators of this game and know the limitations Halo3 and the 360 have. Why would you have a Budget in the map making are of the game? Because there is need for it.

    So as most of you all know I got the RRoD recently. I was playing a 4v4 custom when it happened.
    Playing a custom on a budget glitched map.
    Budget glitching may be helpful in squeezing out those extra few items and reaching the 100 item limit but does all these extra items put too much of a strain on the 360, causing it to work harder at eventually pose a higher risk at forcing your 360 to get the RRoD.

    When I got the RR I went around the interwebs figuring out what really has caused many people to have it happen to them. A lot of people have said that it has happened when playing on a Budget Glitched map.

    So is this all just coincidence? Or is there some truth to it?

    Thoughts anybody?

    Posting a topic like this at ForgeHub will obviously 'cause responses to be completely bias though and even it was proven without a doubt that budget glitching was bad for the 360, people wouldn't stop doing it.
    #1 Reynbow, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Cooincidence. But it mostly has to do with your custom map.

    If the map uses many immovable objects like boxes and bridges and the like, they are static objects. By that, I mean that there is no need for the engine to actually put it into a physics situation, except for collision. The only thing the engine does is render it and add it in for a collision box.

    If you used stuff like crates and pallets and go past the item limit with that, it might cause more issues if they were constantly moving and shifting.
  3. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    wait, does flashing objects from a budget glitched map mean it is bad? Or is it just the lighting because i already reached the 100 item limit.

    EDIT: i hate you Nemi, stealing my first post.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well frankly I don't give a crap. Well, that is just to bad if it does that or not. Plus for now I am not open to excepting any more speculation over internal flaws produced by Microsoft in the Xbox 360 model. Really to me, this probably isn't true. The item limit is what is put in place to prevent overheating and overclocking issues with the xbox. In no way does bypassing a budget put exponential strain on an Xbox as to cause internal hardware malfunction. And what, you are going to rely on some article from the bungie forums? It is great and all that people with the Red Ring issue want to speculate and point the finger, but it doesn't matter. This won't all of a sudden change people's mind to start making crappy budget restricted maps again. All I am saying is there is no proof and the proposed alegations are ridiculous, a few extra boxes and crates causing Xbox 360 overheating? Yet again I will say that is what the item limit is for, not the budget.
  5. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Okay well that is one of the most ridiculous, if not ignorant, posts I have ever read... You're just completely disregarding any evidence to say it could be correct.
    Firstly, people get RRoD from normal over heating, so using anything to add to the possibility can not be good at all.
    Bungie didn't just put a budget there to piss people off, the budget is there for a very good reason.
    I'm not relying on an article from Bungie forums, I am using a persons words to describe a a part of what I am trying to talk about, he just worded it incredibly well.
    There are many maps out there that don't use the glitch that are great maps (I personally never use budget glitch when forging, including Strider)
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What I'd suggest if you live in a warmer climate is to get an old Dell PC and stick the innards of the 360 into it. It'll provide better ventilation, and you can mod it to put more fans in.

    Not really, but the Xbox 360 casing was too small to stick all of the hardware and circuitry together. There's not enough fans to cool it down fast enough.

    What I'm planning to do, once my warranty expires, is to replace the fans with bigger ones, so it cools down better.
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I agree Nemi, I plan on getting a liquid cooling system into my 360 when the Warranty is dead. For now I just make sure it's well ventilated and, but still it happened to me so...?
  8. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    The 2 item limits are the fail safes, as long as we don't break those, we're fine.
  9. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    well then, couldn't you just actually abide by the budget for all of the items with physics then ignore the budget for all of the double boxes and such?
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm gunna throw in my 2 cents...budget glitch bad or good, it's a necessity...
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    After my second RROD, I bought a fan for the 360 that fits to the back. It's noisy, but it's only $20 for a small amount of extra protection.

    I think the possibility could be there that the excess memory strain from the heavier budget-glitched maps could cause an already faulty 360 to go ****-up on you, but it's just as likely that it was coincidence. There is a significant framerate issue with budget-glitched maps that cannot be denied, and can really affect gameplay if someone with a fair to partly crappy connection is hosting. Cosmic Rick's Kentucky Tango does it to me all the time, and I have a pretty solid connection. I think the budget glitch is a wonderful tool, but doesn't always have to be utilized to make a quality map. And for those of you who think you can't make a good map without glitching, may I point to The Hangout, Mecro, and Reverance over at the MLG Forge Forums. They're (finally!) moving from the bland mirror symmetry '2-4 base, 1 mid' theme and moving on to an asymmetrical room-based layout that has a very Halo: CE feel to it. None of them are budget glitched and they are excellent to play on. So there.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO REMOVE THAT FAN!!! it makes it worse...basically, it slows down the current fan in the xbox...I used to use it, XBOX heated up WAAAAY too quickly, now I don't use it, and Xbox runs smoooooooooth hours on end, no heat
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Really? Maybe I should just put the damn thing on a block of dry ice...
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looool dooooo iiiiiiit ... hit meh back up with the results! and the prices of dry ice! xDDD
  15. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    This cannot be any more then a coincidence because I could say this about playing Halo 3 in general. So many people play Halo 3 for the majority of the time on their Xbox 360, and so many more people are starting to play custom games because they are getting bored with ranked. Most maps people play are budget glitched so it consumes most their time.
    For some people (like me) they are on their 3rd Xbox which have better chips and cooling systems. But some people are still on their first and have not experienced the Ring o' Death so when they get it during Halo 3 and Budget glitched maps they start pointing the finger at them because they are fairly new.
    And finally, if the game had a glitch in it that could potentially spell the destruction of the hardware, the creators would know about it and fix it.
  16. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
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    Most of the map ideas I've created havn't used the Budget Glitch. So I won't have to worrk about the RROD. Plus I have an intercooler, so overheating won't be an issue.
  17. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    I guess breaking the limits, challenges the Xbox's processing powers, aswell as the discs.

    But I scratched my disc by constantly scrolling through my film clips. So I guess it's half co-incidence.
  18. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I'd have to be with Tex on this one. I'm going to assume that adding a few more pixels into a map won't give me the RROD. I also find the budget glitch to be almost essential.
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'm going to have to disagree here. As far as i've done in game development, every object has actions and scripts built into it. They've restricted the limit of budget because of memory on the disc, especially since Bungie most likely compressed the game to fit on a DVD/R. Only so many actionscripts are meant to be held on a restricted amount of interactive objects, so having over the limit, your 360 recognizes it as normal and doesn't function properly. Modding on the PS3 is exceptional, it has more processors. I have to agree with Bungie totally because they compacted the game quite well for an Xbox 360 disc.

    Now here's an important example of why glitching/etc is bad on 360: Unless the game barely uses any 360 processors, it would be fine to mod. But since the 360 has limited processors, it has limited availability and accessibility. A budget was placed to restrict overloading of the processors. Item limits were placed to restrict overloading of the video card and fan, causing excessive heat, which, can RROD the 360's cheap hardware.
  20. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I don't think it should hurt your Xbox. . . I think someone already said it, the limit of items (total of all items limit, and of each item) is the only thing that could be bad if someone found a way around them.

    A side note: I got the RROD a few times, nothing bad happened lol. . I never brought it in, I thinks its over-exaggerated.

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