Greetings. Today I am going to take a look into the blood pumping past of BIOC to bring awareness to the Halo community's undead future. We do not know when, but rest assured, in time, 343 will bestow upon us Infection. When they do, dwelling in the infested shadows is BIOC. With us today is the Leader and Founder of BIOC - REMkings whom is not only excited about Infection, but also preparing for Infection. Today I will be interviewing REMkings as he tells us about himself, what BIOC is about, and how you can expect them to be ready for the hopefully soon release of Infection on Halo 5: Guardians.
Here is an archived video from 2012 to show you how long BIOC has been around, and what to expect when Infection releases.
REM, How long have you been playing halo? What do you love the most?
Considering the fact that I'm 23 years old, I started playing Halo relatively late as Halo 3 was my first one. I remember the day like yesterday. Because of Sinterklaas, a Dutch holiday similar to Christmas (I live in the Netherlands, things are slightly different here lol), my brothers and I received a brand new Xbox 360 as a present, Halo 3 included. We started playing the game like crazy, running through the campaign missions over and over again. After maybe half a year or so we created an online account for the first time, and that's when the ball truly started rolling.
I've played a ton of Matchmaking in Halo 3. Mostly Big Team Battle, since the Warthog has always been one of my most favourite aspects of Halo. But other than that, whenever there was a Double XP Weekend featuring Living Dead I'd play that even moreso.
And to add to that, the forging community as a whole is what's been growing on me ever since I started forging myself, which happened early on during Halo Reach's lifespan. This is also around the same time that I signed up on Forgehub after having been lurking for maybe about a year.
So I suppose the three things I love the most about Halo are the Warthog, the Infection gametype and the Halo community.
BIOC - What does it stand for? What is it?REMkings:
BIOC stands for Bloodthirst: Infection Only Customs. The abbreviation is actually much better known than the official name, which I think is due to the fact that the official fully written one is kind of random and that [bye-ock] just has this catchy, sort of 'biohazard' sound to it.
I founded BIOC on the date of February 9th, 2012. Around that time I had gotten pretty involved in the Infection scene and I was in love with the gametype more than ever. However, to my displeasure I had realized that most forgers creating maps for Infection weren't all that concerned about creating a competitive and rewarding experience for people playing their maps. Most maps were campable and unbalanced and zombie players were just to get killed a ton of times just so the human players could have fun. From my perspective, this isn't how Infection is supposed to be played. It should be equally competitive compared to a core map, but with significant changes kept in mind as obviously players have different weapons and traits at their disposal. That is why I founded BIOC. I sent a couple of friends whom I knew to be dedicated and serious Infection forgers or fans as well a request to help me get this thing up and going. I was happy to find they were very enthusiastic about the idea, so not long after that we started hosting lobbies together and worked on getting a map database for people to submit their maps. Some of those guys are still a part of BIOC.
BIOC, a hub for everyone who felt the same, where people could and still can play serious games of Infection on serious maps. Where everyone involved in the lobby could provide thoughtful feedback in order to make one's map better throughout intensive play tests. And in general just a hub where people will find the best of the best of Infection maps whilst providing a professional and fun environment at the same time.
You mentioned before that there was a database, of sorts, for maps that people can play, as well as hosting lobbies where players can play maps from that database. For people such as map designers; How will they submit their maps to BIOC? And how will players join your lobbies and get in on the action? How can users keep in touch with you to find out more?REMkings:
During Halo Reach’s and Halo 4’s lifespan, submitting maps to enter the database used to be handled through submission threads on However, seeing how Infection isn't released yet, as of this moment there is neither a database nor such a submission thread prepared and ready.
But rest assured, other than the database system there are various more ways to go about submitting your maps to us for advice or consideration. One way would be to join a custom lobby and have us to put their maps on the playlist so we can test it with everyone present including the creator him-/herself. A second way is to simply send us a message (which can be done using whatever communication channel or medium preferred). Other than contacting us yourself, you may also post maps in the map section. Once the gametype’s officially released, we’ll be sure to check out new Infection maps regularly! The more, the merrier. And I personally wouldn’t ever be able to get sick of playing Infection.
I would like to give my sincere appreciation for your labor of love to the Halo community. There are many people who love halo, but there are fewer people who take the initiative to try to bring people together, provide a solution to create better content, and create an awesome experience for players at the same time. For closing statements I would like to refer to a post that I found to be a testament to BIOCs devotion towards Infection gametypes. This is a post by PA1NTS in 2013 regarding what they want to see happen in Halo 5's Infection gametype. To me, individuals who formed BIOC and those that form groups like BIOC are what create that tight community weave through dedication and extracurricular commitment that genuinely unite us as a community and set the Halo community apart from all the rest!
BIOC Community Spotlight
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iParanormal, Apr 4, 2016.
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iParanormal, Apr 4, 2016.
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