1.360 2.n64 3.DS 4.ps2 5.ps3 6.xbox 7.psp 8.wii--- i put it here because i got bored of it and haven't used it in 2 months 9.ps1 10.gamecube
Top Ten Wow.. My top ten looks a whole lot different.. 1. Xbox 360 2. PSP 3. PS2 4. Dreamcast 5. Nintendo 64 6. Nintendo 7. Super Nintendo 8. Sega Genesis 9. Atari 2600 10. Nintendo DS I'm an old school gamer who gives love to the old school systems.. Wouldn't have any "Next Gen" Consoles without the originals..
its gonna be obvious who the old and young members are here ... 1. Playstation 1 2. Commodore Amiga 1200 3. 360 4. ZX Spectrum 5. Sega Game-Gear 6. Playstation 2 7. Xbox 8. Gamecube 9. SNES 10. Mega Drive
1.360 2.Gameboy: COLOR 3.N64 4.Xbox 5.Gamecube 6.PSP 7.Nintendo DS 8.Dreamcast 9.PS2 10.Gameboy Advance
XBOX 360 Elite XBOX 360 Nintendo 64 Super Nintendo Xbox Gameboy Advance PS2 Sega/MegaDrive Nintendo DS Wii
1. Magnavox Odyssey 2. Magnavox Odyssey 3. Magnavox Odyssey 4. Magnavox Odyssey 5. Magnavox Odyssey 6. Magnavox Odyssey 7. Magnavox Odyssey 8. Magnavox Odyssey 9. Magnavox Odyssey 10. Magnavox Odyssey
The first, but definately not the best. (imo) It looked more like a life support system from a hospital than a gaming system.
Haha I know I was just messing around. But if I was going to make a list it would be like 1. 360 2. PC 3. N64 4. Wii 5. SNES 6. NES 7. PS2 8. PS1 Thats about all I have owned in my life ^_^
1. Nintendo 64 2. Gamecube 3. Wii 4. Xbox 360 5. Super NES 6. NES (Classic Megaman games ftw!) 7. Playstation 8. Game Boy Color (I really liked Pokemon Gold/Silver, okay?) 9. Playstation 2 10. Xbox