6 New Big Team Battle Maps in Matchmaking!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 25, 2016.

By WAR on Mar 25, 2016 at 2:47 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Our latest task allowed us to select and refine some of the best BTB maps out there from the forge community. Below is a trailer showcasing the 6 new maps, we hope you enjoy!

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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 25, 2016.

    1. Nitro
      The maps here are amazing! Also the FH video team has been doing amazing work. That trailer was awesome. I hope to see more map trailers like that in the future.
      Soldat Du Christ likes this.
    2. MrBamble
      No Echoes...What in the actual frack?!
      iParanormal and Sushi Shikigami like this.
    3. Xandrith
      The only thig I hate about all this is that to play these maps I need to chance playing recurve:(:(
    4. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      IKR!! :C
    5. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      If you Dashboard and quit Halo before the lobby countdown timer starts you won't get penalized for quiting.

      Quick tip if you just want to play the 6 new maps ^
      InvokingTexan likes this.
    6. Gabotron ES
      Gabotron ES
      Quality maps added but, the fact that Echoes, Deadline and Extinction are not there irks me, hopefully a bunch of new BTB maps is added in the future.
    7. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      Ok a few questions that are somewhat on topic:

      Who made the "Grif Temple" map that has recently been added to MM?

      Next, will 343 be putting the updated versions of the Cartographer's BTB maps in MM? I know Guillotine and Deadlock had been updated a lot, and Artemis seems like a 2.0 version of Recurve.

      And lastly, since I haven't gotten around to play BTB lately, has 343 added Assault into BTB?

      This is more of a statement, but i'm a little disappointed "Lowlands" by Home World Hero didn't make it in the mix, but very glad with the maps that did make it in.
    8. Sushi Shikigami
      Sushi Shikigami
      Are there going to be more community forge maps added after these? There were so many more good maps that could have been added to the mix.
    9. Psychoduck
      Terminal is and always has been a map which is excellent for one-sided objective modes but quite weak in others. With no such modes in H5, we couldn't justify the inclusion of a Terminal remake over other maps better suited to the available game modes. Believe me, I loved Terminal too.

      Echoes and Extinction are both large canyon style maps which offer similar gameplay to that already found in Basin and Viking. While both maps have their own merit, they would not have brought the desired variety to the map lineup. A big goal with these maps was to ensure that they functioned well as a complete package. We wanted to deliver variety in terms of map scale, symmetry, vehicle set, game mode support, visual theme, etc. Viking was agreed to be the 'ideal' canyon map due to Valhalla's popularity in past titles. The goal is to offer a playlist experience which pleases the widest number of players, after all.
      Updated versions of Guillotine and Deadlock are currently live in the playlist. Artemis is far from an update to Recurve; it is its own map and one which would not suit the intended audience for the playlist.

      Assault is not currently available in the BTB playlist.
      This will certainly not be the last time community forge maps are added to matchmaking.
      Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    10. RipShaDe 41
      RipShaDe 41
      What made you change the lift by rockets on the updated guillotine??

      I need to come out from the dark and try to finish my btb city map and get more proper tests on it. Was redesigning/reforging the map with better scale with @a3leggedgoat but i never finished it but i hope to get back to it.
    11. Psychoduck
      I was really a fan of the way your map was shaping up. I was sad to see you stop showing up to test it. I'd love to see you stick with it in the future.

      I reversed the lift because it essentially took players up into a wall before. Not only was that disorienting, but the tight geometry surrounding the lift exit was unnecessarily claustrophobic. Reversing it eliminated both issues.
    12. RipShaDe 41
      RipShaDe 41
      Yeah i was sad to stop testing as well. I just need to put my mind to it and finish my new version and then get the spawns and stuff down. The new version is cleaner will have some design changes like some of the structures.

      I have just been playing with my spartan company to grind for the Achilles helmet. So i was just playing way to much mm. I will try to get back into the swing of things. I was happy to see the maps that i was apart of testing make it into matchmaking.

      I was also surprised to see some maps i never tested in there as well. The sandtrap remix is awesome =]
      Psychoduck likes this.
    13. SaltyKoala
      Congrats to all, first time in along while I actually had fun playing mm halo 5. Keep up the good work everyone!
    14. ArturBloodshot
      WOOOOOW The editor really took my video concept and put it into this video! At least give me some credit Haha

    15. HeX Reapers
      HeX Reapers
      I don't get it... What did he "steal"? You both used the same Halo track and that's about it...
      FrostPhoenix0 likes this.
    16. mufasacubed
      I was wondering, have any BTB tests with pistol starts been done? And if so how well does it work?
    17. WyvernZu
      All of the BTB testing was done with AR/Magnum starts. :)
      mufasacubed likes this.
    18. Sushi Shikigami
      Sushi Shikigami
      All you guys did was use the same music. He had the clips shift on the beat and put it together very nicely.
    19. ArturBloodshot
      SO DID I! That's why I said "video concept", the idea if you prefer that term.
    20. Overdoziz
      Welcome to every trailer ever.

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