I like ur door like the overshield through the wall switch cosmick rick did. U said it doesnt work sometimes? Do u mean its supposed 2 be like that or its just a flaw? Oh well it looks like a well layed out map and ima DL
Flaw at first, i changed it so it would work all the time, but then i realised it did not fit with oldy research station back ground story, so i put it back. I was also meaning to reference where the idea came from but i didnt know who made it, so thank you for that information.
And your 66 posts makes you one of the more experienced people on this site? No. Not saying that I am, but at least I'm respectful in most occasions and try to give helpful feedback. You on the other hand posted something not in relation to the map in this thread. Besides, he's been here since January, you, May. On topic: The map looks pretty good with the minimal amount of pictures that you gave us. I may DL if I get my XBox back soon.
your post is pretty much crap... might wanna change that... but by the looks.. i cant see much but i read it and think its a pretty good idea... post some pics maybe ill check it out.