We are savage animals in this thread. If we smell blood we attack and I know you weren't being serious. You are one of Salty's biggest fans. I am still better at scorpion's pass than anyone.
I'm pretty sure I already know how people are gonna respond to this because it's not the first one. Anyway, I started working on this over Christmas Break but never found the time to finish it. Once I saw Havalla I put it on the backburner took the project out of the f*ckin' kitchen, but earlier I saw it laying in my files and went back to it. Haven't continued on anything yet, this is what I had completed by the new year: Valhalla is my favorite btb map of all time, and I really want to (and am probably going) to finish it. My question is, would you guys play it?
I will play whichever one I like more. Regardless of which was made first. Obviously if I play matchmaking I don't get to choose which one I get to play however.
Finishing up with what I posted not too long ago. This is the design I have ended up with. Somewhat labeled important things, and it's hard to show exactly how the floors are exactly since there's some overlapping parts. Erupt and I came up with an idea to have a "toxic" water above the "clean" water from the lowest floor. Made a prototype of it in forge, and the idea is to have gravity volumes in the green area of the map(1st pict at top) where you can bob down under the wall, grab a weapon and float back up. Not sure how it will effect gameplay, but it's just something exciting and new for me to try There's some open widows that will be open enough to shoot through, but can't walk through. And again movement is suppose to be counter-clockwise from bottom to top, back to bottom, etc.
The hard path you made around the toxic in forge is the blocks with a thin connection. There isn't a drop down directly into OS hallway. You'll have to get OS by taking the sender/receiver or backtrack into it.
That looks pretty cool Pheonix, for some reason I'm not getting any notifications when someone posts in this thread anymore....