Fortress- Defend your Castle! Protect your VIP!!!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X Morcam X, May 29, 2008.

  1. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Map is HERE
    (Required) Gametype is HERE
    If you liked this, you may also like another map for the same gametype (same gametype, different, more balanced map) HERE

    You may have noticed the extra exclamation points after VIP. Those are there for a reason. The whole point of this map is for the defenders to protect their VIP, and for the attackers to kill him. The attackers must fight their way into the base, breaking down a pair of gates in the process, and either assassinate the VIP, or just slash him to death (preferably with many swords). ​

    As the game starts, the attackers spawn far outside the fortress, and the defenders spawn inside. The VIP should immediately try and run to the keep, where he will be able to keep an eye on things below him. The attackers rush the gate, picking up gravity hammers lying around it, and begin to bash it down. The defenders rush around the sides, trying to flank the attackers and keep them away from the wall. They must delay the attackers for as long as they can, using their swords and sniper rifles, but it is inevitable that the attackers will pick up their own sniper rifles, sword away the attackers, and smash the first gate into dust.​

    Very much a large part of victory or defeat lies on how quickly the attackers can destroy the gate, and how quickly the defenders can muster a defence. If they keep the attackers away for even a single minute, they have cut another minute off the time the defenders have to protect the VIP. In an only eight minute match, this makes a large difference.​

    The VIP will most likely be hiding in the keep, far above the ground, where he has a clear advantage with his gravity hammer as the attackers come up the steep slope. However, remember that, while he is quite tough, his shields don't recharge. So, wear him down enough, and he'll go down. Of course, you're going to have to fight through all the other people to get to him. ​

    A flamethrower spawns at three minutes to help the attackers (don't let the defenders have it!), and they have four sniper rifles, just like the defenders. The grav hammers will obliterate the gates, but you might want to use the swords (that EVERYONE has) when you get inside. There are several sniping spots around the map, that are easily accessible. The best one is straight ahead inside the fortress, setting up a sort of "Fire Lane" in the courtyard of the base. ​

    If you are feeling rather clever, you can feel free to go ahead and use a gravity hammer to grav jump into the base. This also helps if the defenders are too strong for you, you can go ahead and still go in. Remember, though, that you don't have unlimited grav hammers, so it's better in the long run to bash down the gates. Also remember that more people on the gate is not always better. You're probably going to have a maximum of two people at a time on the gates, since you'll be knocking your allies back.​

    It is not practically possible to glitch on this map, such as getting onto the walls. A couple of people can work together to do it, but even if you do, you're just going to get yourself sniped.​

    Matchmaker Notes: Just like my other map, Escape, this has one variable you should change in the gametype in relation to party size. The larger the party, the shorter the round time. It starts at eight minutes, good for 2v2 or 3v3's, but if you progress into a 4v4-5v5, 7 minutes could be better, and six minutes for anything over that. This is because you will most likely get more hits on the VIP with more time and more people.​

    Some overview screenies, followed by some actions.

    The Gates you must break down to get in.

    A pic of the fortress, particularly of the keep.

    Another of the inside fortress, showing the defender spawn area.

    The Courtyard of the fortress

    Showing one of the fort's sniper towers, and a way to get out.

    The Action Screenies!

    Taking down the gate.

    The gate is DOWN!

    The VIP watching the battle from above.

    Providing long-range sniper support on the keep.

    The flamethrower is a powerful weapon...

    A great way to end a round. I'm killing the VIP, the other guy's killing me.

    The best way to end a match. Our VIP, who was running all the way across the map, gets killed with 1 second on the clock.

    Hmm... If I said that if you DL this you get recon, could I get a million hits too?

    Credit should go to CabooseBTW for most of the gametype, and much of the idea. He had the original break through gates, kill VIP idea, but I didn't feel that It was very balanced or good enough, or liked his map, so I recreated it. Nevertheless, he had the idea first, so kudos to him.

    Have fun on the map! If you have any questions, feel free to post them. Comments and ratings can go on the bungie post, or here, if you prefer. Thanks!
    #1 X Morcam X, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
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    cool idea i like the barriers as walls fun game
  3. kovakelslovak

    kovakelslovak Ancient
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    dont like the part that everyone has swords, the map looks good, and the vip thing is cool, but maybe have each person start with, like spartan lazer, energy sword, to keep the game moving.
  4. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    Great idea!! I like the fortress and the varient...I would tighten up on some of the walls and interlocking but that is just a personal thing...from what i see in the pics it wouldnt hinder any game play...overall great job!!!
  5. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    I think you completely missed the point of this post... No seriously, spartan laser? The whole idea is a kind of castle/medieval idea, and any type of guns are extremely gamebreaking, other than the obvious sniper rifle (which was added at the very beginning of the map. You'd be suprised sometimes how little use the snipers get. And trust me, the game moves plenty fast with sword duels, grav hammers, and sniper fights.
  6. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    You wins a cookie. Yeah, I know I should interlock it, but that is simply a massive task that I have not yet undertaken. I have little doubt that at some point in the future I will make a fully interlocked V2, but as of now, this is just how it is. The barrier walls are a rather touchey thing, which cause some trouble around the gate area. However, none of this hinders any gameplay, thus why it's not fixed quite yet. Also, I'm very sorry, I did forget a credit in the first post, I'll add that.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    this map looks great. But it looks liek one of the maps made a few months ago.
    There doesnt appear to be any interlocking but no interlocking doesnt mean it cant be fun.
    I love the gate, it looks great. I havent seen something like that.
    ALso, why is the guy who rated your map kindly a weirdo.
  8. Teh Harry Wang

    Teh Harry Wang Ancient
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    I love the idea. Maybe you could have spent a little more time on the details, like some of the walls. but you've got my dl.
  9. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    He only DL'd the gametype, before I had the map up. There is a 1 sentence description on the gametype, and it had fallen to something like the 15th page...
  10. DARKLORD123456

    DARKLORD123456 Ancient
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    First off let me tell u i love castles, houses, fortresses n maps of that nature so im definetly DLing. As for this map itself... The gate looks very clean, its been done b4 but very sloppily so good job on that. And yes like ppl said interlocking would b nice but its not REQUIRED so dont stress 2 much about that. Gametype looks fun and innovative i could see myself using it 4 my next map :) overall 5/5 man great map. Keep up the good forging!
  11. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    this looks really fun, but aesthetically its a little sloppy. i noticed some of the walls werent straight so you may get more dls if you fix it up a bit
  12. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    I've actually got three more maps for this gametype, and I'm probably going to be releasing another today. I have to say, these really are some of the funnest things to build in the game.
  13. DARKLORD123456

    DARKLORD123456 Ancient
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    i agree :) and if u like building them maybe we could make a map themed like that sometime? I would say im above average at interlocking so u could work on the layout and i could make the map really straight and clean. Just a thought tho :)
  14. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    Yay!!! Cookies for me!!!! Yeah walls can be a pain and it comes with experience (still working on perfecting it here)...BTW you have my DL...
  15. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Great idea with the gate.
  16. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    This is definitely one of the best or the best fortress I have ever seen. It looks complex and awesome. I love the gate it's very original. This looks like a really fun map. Great job!
  17. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Hey everyone, thanks for all the DL's, but now I'm afraid I have to ask, why are so few people DLing the game variant? I know that it's a nice castle and all, but it is designed for that variant, and it's not outfitted with flag/assault spawns and such. It's a much more fun experience if you DL the game variant. Regardless, I'll probably be making another one of these (Once again designed for the variant...), possibly in collaberation, we'll see. Thanks.
  18. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    Just so you know: Some people may get angry that your thread title is not only your map title.
  19. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
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    Looks fun! I'll download this for sure. Great job!
  20. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    o.k. so I DLed and played...question? when on the attacking team you can get into the castle from the right and left sides of the base simply by jumping on another players head...did you plan on people being able to do that or is it something that was overlooked? otehr than that...Awesome job!!!

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