I have fat thumbs sorry. I think I might start forging (or attempting) exclusively 2v2 map's. (Will most likely end up as perfectly scaled 4v4 maps) Its nice to actually get to play what u build with realtive ease and love how mic attention to detail that size map allows you to put into it.
In defense of myself, my forerunner map was my first h5 map before all the chicks started making them so... Yeah >8P
Had an amazing astheitic idea for a map. Original theme, now need to brww the layout. Parallax will be the canvas. The top will be rolling desert sand dune hills with the classic sand fog effect. There will be abaondend fantasy "adobe" hobbit let structures , think tattooine mixed with hobbit homes in the sand dunes and dead trees littered on the hillside. Leading to the center hill will be fissure cracks in the sand the eventually lead to a sort of cave under the main hill. Inside the cave will be a glowing crystal emitting a magika and around it green alpine terrain and trees and shrubbery and bioluminescent mushrooms and glow bugs and flying scripted faerie all centered around this crystsl to appear as if its giving off the life source in this abandon waste land. No worries, purporbital is very close to finished so that will be up and rolling this weekend. Just need to light, put spawns weps name volumes and a few more "techy" covenant astheitics oh and script the doors so they can only opened once. Edit: if I pull it off right players will have the feeling this entire landscape was once alive and buzzing with life but something tragic happened and now this lone crystal is the only remnant of what once was. And all the life left is clinging to it
Salty I think your creativity is running dry. It might be time to take your substance usage to the next level. I hear DMT is pretty cool
The Tolkien universe was literally the first thing of that sort ever written. It was THE fantasy universe, it still is. It's literally impossible for anything middle earth to be considered generic because it was the first of its kind /nerdy tolkien rant Ya ya I get u
So did you photo refrence the art from the book sketches or the film made post 2000? Just trolling ya multi
I've been hearing from others that there are people who have not been shy about voicing their complaints with Purple Reign (I wasn't told who), but I haven't been told anything directly other than by Redemption a week or two ago (and he admitted that he hadn't played it). If you do have issues with the map or just have something constructive to share, please hit me up on Discord/Skype or on XBL and I'll be all ears. More eyes and insight on a project is always a good thing, whether it's praise or critique.
I don't care what a map's theme is. "Pulling it off" might deserve praise as far as creativity is concerned, but if it's a core map, it's meaningless if the layout is ass. Theme and layout are both fundamental aspects of how the map looks, feels and plays, and there's no reason to sacrifice one or the other in this game. Make whatever you want - If the layout isn't interesting, I wont be impressed. Perhaps some people don't like Forerunner maps because the majority of them are mirror symmetric donuts, and I'd agree with that. I'm not going to abandon any of my Forerunner, Covenant or Human ideas for the sake of cliche, but the geometry and layout of any map I make has to provide the unique gameplay I want, otherwise the theme will just be a pointless facade. It may as well be an aesthetic map in that case. Good example - I haven't posted my current map which has been "done" for weeks because the one side wasn't interesting. I'm not going to throw art on top of boring geometry.
I think I finally finished a map. Now let's see if it takes me longer to finish a map, or to post one, lol. Anyway, Tron is in my Files and Bookmarks if anyone wants to check it out.
Yes. It has initial spawns for 2v2, but it hasn't been tested for 2v2 at all. 1v1 is definitely recommended.
This thread is lacking in WIP pictures lately, so I'll leave this here. This is a 2v2 map that I'm working on. Asymmetrical map with some symmetrical areas and overall pathing. Going for a cartoony Agrapagh/Bazaarish theme. Something buddy jumps is working in really inspired the theme Kind of TF2 feeling as far as looks. And speaking of buddy jumps, he just got first art pass on Oath finished! Going to do some testing and give the art some CF polish here soon!
With my Guardian remake(?) out of the way, I can now focus more on my Isolation remake. Instead of a Forerunner/Flood theme, I'm striving for a more UNSC-like theme, with the tunnel being relatively clean of debris/rocks. With the absence of equipment (regenerators, flares, power drains, etc.) I have/will replace them with Overshields (regenerator) and Splinter Grenades (Flare [pre-patch/default Isolation item set]). I have gotten most of the buildings set up, with only the Shotgun spawn being the last structure needed to be made. After that comes the fun part of making the terrain... As to why the Mongooses are on top of the bases, that is a placeholder position until I can get the terrain made. After this is done, I'll start another project that is, a little unorthodox.