Well I sent my 360 off to MS on Monday and today (Thursday, 29 May 12:17PM) I got the E-Mail notifying me of the receival of it; Good news, we have received your Xbox console at our Service Center. You can expect to receive your console back in 3-4 weeks from this point. You can track the status of your order online by accessing http://service.xbox.com/servicesignin.aspx. You will also receive an e-mail notification when your repair has been completed. Thank you for your patience. Of course I am guessing that whole 3-4 week estimate is the same response they give to everyone. I am hoping that I get it back a lot earlier then that but hey, can't complain. I am getting it fixed for nothing so I can't expect too much. Just wondering if anyone got the same E-Mail or something similar to this when sending theirs off? Also I heard that when you send off to get RRoD fixes they "update" your warranty, so it starts over again? A year I think it is.
hmm.... 3-4 weeks. That sucks. Knock on wood but I havent ever had RRoD so I cant say if it is true, but I feel bad for you man. That really sucks. On a totally related note, love the new sig!!! And Im cooler than you!
Yeah I'm hoping it wont be that long, especially seeing how I read in the link they gave me in the E-Mail that it takes about 2-3 working days to repair/replace the 360, so if it only took 4 days to get there, adding in 3 working days for repairs I should see it not next week but Monday the following week [June 9th] Oh and thanks for the liking of the new sig and I am obviously much cooler then you, Superman sig = Mege
i had to send mine back last sept. (1 week before halo 3 came out) it took about 3 weeks to get it back. but the thing that i hated most was the fact that it wasnt my xbox. they sent me one that they already had repared..so i asumed my old 360 got sent out in the same manor.
Well -sigh- this is the email I recieved 10 days after sending away my xbox 360 for video failure: [FONT="]Dear John -Blam-, [/FONT] [FONT="]Xbox Customer Support ID#: 106719-Blam-[/FONT] [FONT="]Serial Number: This e-mail is to let you know that we have received your request for service. However as of today, we have not received your Xbox console and would like to verify that you wish to continue with the service. If you have not received the shipping instructions or are having a problem with the shipment, please contact Xbox Customer Support. If your Xbox console no longer requires service, please let us know and we will cancel the order for you. If we do not receive the Xbox console within 30 calendar days from the date you first requested service, your order will be automatically cancelled. If you wait longer than 30 days, this service request will no longer be valid and a new service request will be required.[/FONT] [FONT="]If you have questions about this service, please contact Xbox Customer Support by calling: [/FONT] [FONT="]-[/FONT] [FONT="]Australia: 1800-555-741[/FONT] [FONT="]-[/FONT] [FONT="]New Zealand: 0508-555-592[/FONT] [FONT="]For the most up to date information on Xbox 360, visit [/FONT][FONT="]www.xbox.com. [/FONT]
Oh wow that sucks, sounds like you haven't sent it... OR it got lost in the mail... lolz... I got insurance on it for getting lost in the mail though, $9.90 for $700 insurance for if it gets lost, so yeah =P
Depends what area in the world you are. In America, maybe a week, and in Australia maybe 2-3 weeks. Because of traveling time and stuff. It all depends where you are.
And the fact that you posted this here, on ForgeHub... Where people make maps for customs, where pretty much no body cares about YOUR XBOX just made you look like a douche. Also in my opinion this is spam and should be in Off Topic Remember this?
you wouldve been better off fixing it yourself (cooling it off, leaving it w/ high AC for a day and a half)
Ummm no I don't remember this? But okay =] Well that doesn't work... Lol But like I said when the warranty runs out then I will be pulling out the 360 innards and putting it into a computer housing or something to that effect. But making it look cool =] Like mixing this: With this:
That's terrible. My friend had his at least two months ago and he hasn't got it back to my knowledge (we really don't talk much about Xbox.)
I got the RRoD and i sent it on on the 27th but I didn't give them an E-mail adress I think so I don't expect to be hearing.But I have heard and seen that the repair usually takes a couple of days ,and you should be expecting to get it in about 2 weeks no 3 or 4 (depending on where you live i suppose).But form me hopefully I will get it back soon to work on my map and play in the TGIF's