What is that?? And the two first pics don't work, by the way. If you got them straight off bungie.net, it's not going to work. Save the puc to your computer, upload it to a hosting website, like photobucket, or imageshack, then copy and paste the link here.
thats a really cool effect that the last pic has, the first two don't work, and what is the blue lightning?
Thanks for all the replies I know the first two don't work, they weren't supposed to work, I just had trouble putting this pic on forgehub. Nope, it wasn't photoshoped, you can even see my link which is to bungie.net... the only way you can get pics onto your fileshare on bungie is to take the pic directly from H3... If you didn't know.
Something isn't right. The size of the links in the fences are way too big for him to just be standing next to them, and he's not behind them cause his shields are in front.
lol... I never really thought about it that way... but no, I guarantee you, it's the outline of a spartan.