It looks awesome, the download button its not working , and i cant find you on Xbox Live. Is your gamertag OliverQueen? Maybie, GREEN Arrow? XD Have i fail this city? XD. Jokes aside hope you can post your gamertag.
Really nice ! I think it could be better in the night, 'cause it seems you work the lighting of the map and it could add some really really nice contrasts ! Very good job !
it is in the night. midday and the morning sky boxes break the shadows of the map for some reason. --- Double Post Merged, Mar 3, 2016 --- GT is TheEMCondor
Mmh... Maybe you could mask all the sky with a black plane for incrustation (a green screen but in black) ? They don't received shadows and lights, so you can create a dark sky, this sky cast a shadow on the map which make it darker. Try this out, maybe you'll need to reinforce your lighting, but I'm pretty sure your map could really gain in aesthetic with this tip.
OliverQueen updated Permafrost with a new update entry: Updated Permafrost Read the rest of this update entry...
I feel like you were using the one from Halo Online more than Turf itself. The one in Halo Online was/is known as Icebox (see here). Looks really good though. Great forge work! P.S., love the Virgil!
I made it a snow map because I love snow maps. I haven't even looked into halo online since i saw it was for russia only.
It kinda is... not really. It's easy to play yourself. Reddit tutorials everywhere that you can find, again, really easy to do.