Show me one other game that has anything like the warthog in function. Better yet, show me a game at the time CE came out.
Most of the vehicles suck. Warthog is too slow. Ghost is too slow. Wraith is too slow. Tank is too slow. Banshee has been broken since Reach. Phaeton is trash. Prowler was epic trash. Chopper was GOAT. Spectre was bae. Hornet was cool if you weren't flying it. Falcon was OP.
The phaeton's a boss... except when my team has it. Same goes for the mantis. Prowler was a disgrace, good thing we had the chopper. "Warthog is too slow." Tell that to the 400 teammates I accidentally splattered in CE We need a flip cooldown on the banshee D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E-L-Y
Destiny AI is better than most Halo AI Halo's killbox Campaign design and checkpoint system is antiquated Bungie solved problems that 343 repeated (one shot snipers)
I did, but you **** nuggets said it was another spiritual successor, so piss off. Or finish a map. Whichever comes first.
Warzone ****ing sucks. BTB ****ing sucks. Grifball ****ing sucks. Theres some unpopular opinions for ya.
Griffball=Tradefest BTB=Perfect Cross Map Kills > Because... Utility weapons all have heavy magnets on them Hitscan = Noob Projectile = outplaying CE pistol is the only relevant weapon in H5 utility sandbox which btw... Why do we have 6 different utility weapons? for that matter why do we have 4 UNSC automatics that do the same thing?
I just wanna add that I can't stand vehicle gameplay. I'm okay with warthogs but thats where it needs to end. Vehicles are just nooby bs and it ruins legitimate gameplay. If there were no vehicles in btb and warzone I'd probably actually play them sometimes but I can't get over vehicles. Absolutely retarded. I'm happy this thread exists so I can finally rant that out.
Why so much hate on H2 & H3 kids? I started in H2 & I don't feel I'm toxic to this community, please if I am this is the perfect thread to tell me why. I can handle it.
I haven't enjoyed the vehicle gameplay since Halo 3. Everything was balanced in that game IMO. Well, maybe the Wraith was too slow but everything else felt fair. Which is ironic because we were slow as **** in Halo 3, so vehicles piled up on players so easily. What I don't like about vehicles, aside from the vehicle whores who sit in them the whole game and then plasma pistol you when you get it before them, is the fact that most of the maps with vehicles just don't play well with them. It almost always comes down to spawn killing players out in an open field and it's like "is this really fun?" And then there was one point where 343 decided to throw the Mantis on everything. The most fun I've had with vehicles in recent memories was a CTF game on Wreckage. It was just a 6v6 game with one warthog for each team. The flags where either launching across the map in man cannons or dueling in the sand among the warthogs. That was a tremendously underrated map and a good example of why squad battle gameplay tends to be better than Big Team Battle. But of course, 343 had to make a heavies variant with Gauss Hogs and the Mantis. Sandtrap CTF is legit though. **** the haters. Bungie created a whole new vehicle for that map and nothing in Warzone even comes close to the epic CTF matches on that map.
The only thing worse than a typical Warzone game where no one knows how to work together is a Warzone game where one fire team does know what they're doing. I just have to treat vehicle-based games as a separate game type, like how Infection is just a different game. If there are only a couple vehicles on the map, it's kinda like they're power weapons that you have to control using pvp skills. If it's Heavies or Warzone, grab a good vehicle and have a fun spree offing Ground Chumps (ground chuck hah). Or grab a vehicle-smashing power weapon and ruin someone's fun. Don't be a Ground Chump (ie, don't try to play pvp). That type of play just has stages of boring movement (if you survive spawning), then pvp fights for vehicles or power weapons, then either fun vehicle runs or disappointment when you lose out to other players (even your ninja teammates... asses). But you know all that... I just spelled it all out for some reason. I totally get it if it's not for everyone. I joined the Xbox live multiplayer action during Halo 2. I'm totally programmed to charge at the enemy and shot at the head immediately after spawning, lol. And now I'm too far gone to correct this! So I pretty much suck at Heavies and BTB. Heheh. Do obviously wrong unpopular opinions miss the point here? If not (or even so): You're super cool if you not only don't finish maps, you don't even start them, and instead just tinker around with Forge.
I forgot to mention that, in my limited custom match experience, the most fun game I played was a VERY asymmetrical match on Ascension where they just put a very abusive turret on the main base to spray the rest of the map. But the score was set so that a team needed like 500 or 1000 to win so it was a huge battle to take the single objective so that your team could rack up the kills for as long as you could. There's simply no hard and fast rules on what makes a good map or a good game. Ideas like symmetry vs asymmetry, balance, fast vs slow, and even fairness take a backseat to gameplay and can get turned on their heads by the slightest of changes. Not trying to find some way to enjoy something new is failure. Originality and moments of greatness can lie between the cracks that most people instinctively step over. Being sure of anything is a dead end. Pull my finger, you will.