Erk submitted a new map: Still Alive - Testing just got personal, and the stakes have never been higher. Read more about this map...
No, unfortunately I haven't recorded any videos of it. Plus with the new lighting bug that showed up i'm sure it would look even worse than the pictures do.
Fair enough! Ya I like the portal theme it's neat. Want help testing it? My gamertag is aunty sugarcube
Played this with some couple friends and I really enjoyed the map's Portal theme. Has some gameplay problems though. The shields don't need to be there. If you remove them, it would create some nice encounters between the power position. And right now, all they shields do is make player movement feel choppy. Plus, shields are almost never good as cover. Rockets are spawning WAY too fast. And some people in my game said that you should replace rockets with something that's not as easy to kill with. Me, I'm on the fence for now. The room were the rockets spawn should be opened up. I suggest you remove the window and allow players to shoot and throw nades in there because right now it's a room with only one entrance. It strongly invites camping. I think the damage boost should be replaced with something like an overshield and you should decrease its spawn time. While the rockets spawn too fast, the damage boost spawns too slow. Orientation is kinda tough in the map right now. Everything looks the same and I don't think there's enough uniqueness in each room to help players identify where they are in the map. I would suggest coloring some parts just to help with orientation.
I appreciate the reply and solid feedback. Some of those are aesthetic or theme choices but i will seriously consider changing it for gameplay improvements. Thanks.
Love your post for this. Haha. The theme is very well done for the most part, it was very recognizable. If you have the objects, maybe put panels on the wall to make it look a little more like it. Can't speak for gameplay but if I remember, I'll try to get a match on it when I'm testing maps.
Walked around the new version you made. I forgot which video showed it but I saw the changes you did and figured I'll give the map another look. Haven't played yet but I found something that kinda annoyed me. The moving platform in mid is kind of deceitful. A player could easily jump on it and think he could jump up to the higher platform it takes you two. It's a suicide that the map is unfairly inviting. P.S. You should update your map post here on ForgeHub
I probably should update with some new pictures, but the general layout isn't too different. You can jump up from the platform with a crouch jump or by using smartlink. It is meant to be for the risky drop down but its a skill jump to go up. I just saw the video you mentioned so i added that to the post, which shows off the latest version.
I think the problem is the players are on a moving platform that's going to move back fairly quickly. If the only way to jump up is a skill jump, then the platform shouldn't be moving. I feel like the jump would end up being too much of a suicide trap.
Awesome video, i really appreciate the feedback you gave as it definitely helped improve the whole experience. Thanks!
Erk updated Still Alive with a new update entry: Added map link to post Read the rest of this update entry...