I know the jetpack was broken in base, but there were some really fun minigames and game modes that had them. That being said... custom game option for loadouts.
*cough* Grenade Launcher and Falcon would be nice. Spectating others during FFA. No jet pack PLSSSSSSSZZZZZ Infinite armor lock req level 0 File sharing Gametypes Noble team armor This one's a little out there (not that armor lock wasn't): Spire remake/reimagination for warzone
I'm always amused when people request to not have something added. You know all you have to do is just skip using that feature, right? People CAN enjoy things outside of what you want. **** options, everybody must play the way I want them to play.
1. Falcon (Preferably campaign variant that can carry 3 people + 2 gunners and the 5-round burst pilot chain gun, but not as OP as the ones modded into MP) 2. Invasion and KOTH (+ Infection if it's not added before) 3. Grenade Launcher and the M392 DMR (Maybe give it mock-bloom for nostalgia or something) 4. Countdown remake 5. EOD (Reach design) and EVA (C) 6. Forge World (May not be likely, but I can dream)
Maps: Spire remade for Warzone/Warzone Assault Countdown and/or Boardwalk remake Additional community Forge maps added to existing playlists Weapon: Grenade Launcher Vehicle: Falcon Customisation Noble Team armour sets Greater customisation options (e.g. ability to change arms, chest, legs etc.) Req: Armour mod for jetpack ability (ability to lift up vertically)
I see this update being very forge/customs focused. Forge World and maybe new blocks, along with Noble/General Reach armour. Possibly infection and possibly a remake of Powerhouse or Countdown.
Zealot - remixed from truth The Cage - made in forge Spiker - even though it was introduced in Halo 3 Noble 6 armour - because generic Invasion map - most likely boneyard so they can recycle warzone bases into it. Grenade launcher - (somehow hitscan) wait a minute this is already too much content for one update... Realistically - reach emblems noble 6 armour because we already have kat and carter spiker and stockpile since it is remixed flag. Also if you are hoping for a forge world remake please take your head, shove it firmly up your buttocks and go back to 2010 reach kid.
I legitimately just face palmed. Sorry, Decimator armor is a prototype mark VII That is newer than chiefs new helmet and could not have possibly been around for the days of Reach... Also, it doesn't even look like it...
More custom game options & fixes More Forge items (Trait zones, custom power-ups, etc.) Official Forge Chess
Well I bought my digital copy of halo 5 on this cheap weekend but how about a free Halo 5 disk replacement with all current updates on it and the ability to play off disk like Reach without any installation. How about that, 343.