To driscoll, There is already tons of cover on the map, so much so that I'm actually considering taking some out. To xj4gx, are you trying to make enemies here? You could have put it more tactfully, e.g. It's not my style; I don't particularly care for it; not your best, etc. I can understand that people may not like the map, but there's no need to be mean about it. Perhaps jealousy played a role in your response?
Such a polite and thoughtful post... /sarcasm. Seriously, Supreme, your post is extremely easily interpreted as negative, not quite malicious, but impolte at best. Popes, how would you suggest I spice it up? Added backstory to OP
Interesting idea with the reactors...I've begun to notice more maps that utilize the kill zone outside of Foundry to make "Death Pits" such as in the Duel of the Fates map. I for one would be tempted in playing this map to hide inside the reactor shield walls, but I bet I would die as soon as I tried.
Actually, it is possible camp inside the reactor shield doors, just extremely risky. BTW, I've started on my next project, Core.
yea i gotta agree this map could be better the interlocking looks nice but yea just dosent look that fun
Thank you. I did my best to eliminate bumps and unnecessary jumping. Some parts of the map were maddeningly obstinate. Compound (formerly "Core") is now finished, I will be publishing it shortly.
i think that it would have been better if you didnt say that the reactors put you outside the map. its more fun for people who have never seen that glitch to figure it out
I like how you built the buildings and the way the map is put together looks good. ill download it now.
Fortress and Compound are both live. I sm consiering releasing them along with this map in a map pack in the near future.