Original post http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-04-17-plastic-surgery_N.htm _____ There are books for children on just about every tough subject these days. But mommy's plastic surgery? A Florida plastic surgeon has written about just that in My Beautiful Mommy, a picture book due out April 28 that tries to calm the fears of kids with parents getting tummy tucks, breast enhancement procedures and nose jobs. Dr. Michael Salzhauer said so many moms brought kids to their appointments that he was motivated to stock up on lollipops in his Bal Harbour, Florida office. In My Beautiful Mommy, he explains mommy's recuperation, changing look and desire for plastic surgery. "Many parents don't explain to their kids what's going on," said the father of four, with his fifth child on the way. "Children are very perceptive. You can't hide a major surgery from them. When mom goes down for two weeks after a tummy tuck it affects them." Illustrations show a crook-nosed mom with loose tummy skin under her half shirt picking up her young daughter early from school one day and taking her to a strapping and handsome "Dr. Michael." Mom explains she is going to have operations on her nose and tummy and may have to take it easy for a week or so. The girl asks if the operations will hurt, and mom replies, "Maybe a little," warning she will look different after the bandages come off. The girl asks: "Why are you going to look different?" Mom responds: "Not just different, my dear — prettier!" Big Tent Books in Savannah, Georgia is racing the book out after the Internet lit up Wednesday with word of its upcoming release. The initial 4,400 copies will be available for purchase only through the website of the company, which provides editorial and publishing services to picture book authors for fees. Salzhauer acknowledges the subject matter may seem distasteful to some. "There are people who are going to read this and say 'You're indoctrinating kids and idealizing beauty.' That's not the intention of the book at all," he said. "The intention is to allow parents who are going through this process anyway to have a vehicle to explain it to their kids." Diane Kuplack understands. At 37, Kuplack has six biological children under the age of 12, including 5-year-old twins, along with two older stepchildren from her husband Matt's first marriage. She said it was "nerve-wracking" trying to decide what, if anything, to tell her children about the breast implant surgery she scheduled for Friday. Kuplack, who lives in Weston, Florida, and is a patient of Salzhauer's, read the book to her children. "The older ones loved it," she said. "We were nervous that if we didn't say anything at all that they would notice I look different when I came home. It really helped them understand because it explains everything so well. They didn't have any questions after that." The book, told from the perspective of the school-age daughter, has the groggy mommy home from the hospital the day after her double surgery, sitting up in bed sipping chicken soup with grandma helping out. Soon mommy is out of bed but still not able to do any heavy lifting, so the girl and her big brother pitch in around the house. At the breakfast table, the girl tells mommy how she is learning about butterflies at school and mommy laughs that her bandages make her feel like a cocoon. Then the big day arrives — mommy's bandages are gone and illustrator Victor Guiza lights up the new and improved mommy with a sparkly princess pink background. "Mommy, your eyes are sparkling like diamonds," the girl exclaims. "You're the most beautiful butterfly in the whole world." Jerry Seltzer, general manager of Big Tent's parent company, Whimsical LLC, sees the obvious niche for My Beautiful Mommy in plastic surgeons' offices and among moms undergoing cosmetic procedures. He admits he initially wondered about the content. "I thought, 'Gee, mommy looked awfully good before the surgery.' But I felt confident because it was appropriate for the market," he said. "Women are out there getting the surgery." Salzhauer said he performs about 200 tummy tucks and breast procedures a year, the bulk on mothers. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, representing most of the nation's board-certified surgeons in the specialty, reported nearly 348,000 breast augmentation procedures and 143,000 tummy tucks on women in 2007. "My patients do worry about their children when they're going through this," Salzhauer said. "The book just goes toward trying to make the process as understandable as possible for the kids, so they can feel included and don't have to make things up in their minds on what's going on."
No, this is possibly a good topic to talk about. But first, LOLMG! Anyways, I feel like this is typical of normal American soceity and culture.
I don't think it should be moved to Off Topic, there is other news topics in General Chat. And spam doesn't get you anything any ways.[/rant] ___ With that said, I found it very funny that a parent can't explain there vanity in them self to there kids. I found These pictures of the book online. I found out about this a while back and when I saw the Colbert Report it reminded me so I felt like posting it to see if any one felt like having a conversation about it.
I can't decide if it pisses me off or not. I mean, it says it right there in the quote, "idealizing beauty" However, TV, movies, magazines, etc are already constantly doing that to children anyways, almost every young girl you see nowadays is tryin to dress all hot and slutty when they are like ****in 10 years old /nopedo but the quote above also makes a good point that yea, the parents are gonna do it anyways, and society is going to stay the way it is anyways, so i guess if the parents are too stupid to be able to explain this to their kids, then they can have a book
I agree with Titmar. Especially on the ten year olds. Its disgusting to see little kids like that and makes me want to throw up. On the other hand. If you had like a nose job because you were in a wreck, thats understandable.
Wow i've seen another thing like this. twas something on the lines of "uncle phil liked to sleep with me and play with me" "then the nice doctor person came and told me uncle phil was doing wrong" gawd these books creep me out