Each one of you has their own quirks and style that makes this community diverse - especially in this game - so I thought this would be a fun exercise. Try not to take it too seriously. I love you guys. Except you. Yes you over there. @Demption: Crazy ass windows and curves @MultiLockOn: Crazy ass ledges connected to crazy ass teleporters @SoloXIII: Symmetric rooms connected by asymmetric hallways @a Chunk: Asymmetric rooms connected by symmetric ramps @The Fated Fire: True vertical ledges from which the protagonist heroically leaps across death pits. @aPK: "I don't Forge"' @WyvernZu: I didn't even know we had those ****ing pieces @Zombievillan: NSFW @no god anywhere: @Sgt Slaphead: @Res: @Yekkou: @SH1FTY: @Sethiroth:
@Xandrith how can I make map 5 rooms and not be the same as the last time. --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2016 --- I hate bean burrito's meat and cheese ones are okay. I don't get along with beans.
@SaltyKoala Let me lay down a bunch of my map. Makes no progress that day. --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2016 --- if only i could see your image goat. nvm I see I see.
@Squally DaBeanz I was abducted by ONI at the age of seven and trained ruthlessly until the age of 15 when my body was artifically augmented by Forgehub to create a new breed of superforger. I am that breed. Bow to my 100's of released maps and may your soul be overcome by there perfectly playing genericniess.
@GodlyPerfection: I had an idea! @darkprince909: Let's take this wall and make it really look like a wall. @Blaze: Bitches love shapes. @Randy 355: JJ Abrams is my spirit animal. @MythicFritz: That went better than expected! @SmartAlec13: Wait, this isn't the right version.
U WOT M8? I'm still confused by this whole "super forger" thing you keep pulling me into. I'm not even that great. Persistent maybe, but nothing too special. And I don't think I've even started "hundreds" of maps, let alone released that many. My release count is actually around 150 right now, more than half being from Reach. #newforger2011