Alright guys, heres my basketball court with the basketball game variant Basically, heres the gist. 5 minute game - unlimited scoring - 1 minute overtime Your basic team game, the player with the ball is assumed "your teams Kobe" thus making him 15% faster then the rest and thus more likely to score. After a respawn your player will also be given a speed boost for the next 5-10 seconds to give the effect of a bench player coming into the game with alot of energy. Basically guys , just have fun, killing is with swords / bashes CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MAP Game Variant "Basketball" SCREENSHOTS Player Scoring Court Overhead
To be honest its not a great map, its a bit too much like grifball - which has already been made. It looks like you could easily escape and the wall barrier isn't that smooth. Were the bridges and fences on the wall nessacery?? Sorry but its a 1/5 from me (First post)
I bit harsh there, ease up. Give tips on how to improve. I think that the bridges are neccessary. They seem to give the impression of the court, as I'm guessing that the respawn points are on the boundary. 5-10 seconds??? You cant set a random number. Layout looks okay, some interlocking, which is good to see. THis map does look easily breakable have you tested this? Also could you tell us the player traits, not just will be 15% faster, 15% faster than what???
All this really is is a fancy griffball court with raised goals. Ohh yah I escaped the map in several places nade hopping and jumping on my friends head.
not original ive seen this 20 times people just say stuff like "this ones neater" or "this ones cooler" guys stop making basketball
Cool concept...not a map for me but i agree with linu on the tightening up of the walls and making them a bit higher to keep people in the map...or...put a roof over the court...I do like the goal set up..not something i would have come up with...great job and keep on forgin!!!
Hazza please lighten up and fill chill out .(Teehee im like Dr. Seuss. : p) It is not "illegal" to make more Grifball maps. Once you post some good maps you can start commenting that harsh. Anyways looks pretty fun. You might want to put another layer of upward double boxes to keep people form getting out.
guys if u took the time to download the goddamn gametype, NO NADES ARE ON, u can not escape the map, nor did i ever claim this map was neat, cuz i dont have the ****ing patience to do someshit like that, and my fav sport happens to be basketball, so i threw one together, and just for fyi's i dont look at other peoples maps before i make a similar one, i like to throw my own ideas together and see how it comes together, tbh i didnt know basketball was such a popular type of map to make, so my fault there, but please dont sit here and rip it *edit... the bridges and fence walls do put down the feel for a court, hence the paint is the fence, and the mid court is just me running out of stupid bridges =/
Omg We Are Having Midnight Games On This Everyday Est - We Just Had A 7 Game Series ... Omg Louds Of Fun!!! Yay!!!
This map would be better if you added some interlocking and made the boxes more straight.I like the idea of the hoops and everything though.