For my controller set up I use a wired microsoft official controller, with 4 sensetivity, Bumper Jumper, and hold to crouch with vibration off.
wireless microsoft controller with a piece of ductape on it, 5 sen. bumperjumper, but I bought it used, so when I first got it, it smelt like cigarette butts, ewnasty.
Bumper Jumper, 2-4 Sen (depending on game, Swat 4, Sniper match 2, other Default) Vibration on. And its just the default one you get with the box.
Pelican TSZ Camo Controller, Bumper Jumper, 5 Sens. I use the Pelican Controller because it feels a little bit smaller and fits into my hands nicer.
Bumper Jumper FTW. I'm surprised how many people here use it though. 4 sensitivity for everything, 5 wrecks my BR.
oh wait. I have one more change. I also have the msn chat pad plugged in. It makes the controller heavier... which changes everything for some reason.
I use the default controls, with toggle crouch, but here's the shocker: 10 sensitivity. It's so high because I feel that it takes ages to turn around on lower sensitivities. I though most people had higher sensitivities, but I've been proven wrong. The controller itself is the Halo Controller, the Spartan model.
Bumper Jumper, 5 sensitivity, toggle crouch on SWAT, but theres one more! CLAW FINGERS!!! (triggers&bumpers w/ middle and ring, left stick w/ pointer, ABXY w/ pointer)