Secrets v1 and v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Dwert, May 28, 2008.

  1. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    Secrets v1 and v2

    Author: Dwert
    Video: Click Here
    Where to Get? Download
    Details: Secrets v1 and v2 was made a while ago with my buddy DueceEx.It is a map on Rat's Nest.It took about 2-3 hours and the second version took less than an hour.It was very fun to make this map because Duece is such a fool.Ok,here is the map's gameplay.The humans start next to a teleporter that leads to potential safety.The only problem is,how do you get up there?All you do is fend off the zombies until the grav lift spawns and lifts you up.Then,you must choose between 2 teleporters.One leads to a secret room and the other leads above the secret room.Choose which one you think is safer.(note:the left teleporter is not BROKEN you have to jump to get through).There is a br in the right teleporter and a shotgun in the left. V2 Updates:Added weapons,added a middle teleporter that leads you to a room with no floors and you can shoot on the zombie below,the grav lift spawns in the start of the game. That is all of the updates for now!V3 coming soon!!! Credits go to:Me,DueceEx,ob2is4me,and my various map testers. Thanks,guys. Comments,tips,and constructive criticism is very much appreciated.
    Gameplay:Use any type of infection.Fat kid is not recommended.

    More credits:ForgeGuide for their map design generator ;),and texturedlemur for saying f*** tyrant :)
    #1 Dwert, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  2. Tofu

    Tofu Ancient
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    I would download if there more pics. I'm pretty sure this doesn't meet site standards.
  3. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    Sorry to post after myself,but there is only one picture because there is a youtube video about it.It shows everything you would want to know.The gameplay and everything.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yeah this fits standards, we're just used to more pics
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow why does everyone hate tryant for something that was bound to happen anyways.But nice map dude looks cool.I love how you used that secret control room up top there =).
  6. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    I cant tell alot from the pics...
  7. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
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    I gave this map a 5 because it deserves it. and because its awesome.
    #7 sgt n00b34, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  8. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    The description is a bit vague, and the pics don't show that much gameplay. I hope it's a good game variant because ive seen too many recycled infection games.
  9. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    hey, texture. dont be so hard on tyrant. and dont type in such big print
  10. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    i cant tell much from these pics what else did you forge besides the wierd rooms
  11. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    looks extremely simple...which could be fine in other cases...buuuut... this is just a common human-favored campfest map...

    i mean sure the first part is a run around on a default rats nest...then it turns into a matter of humans dominating the undead...

    make it balanced...make it fun...

  12. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    Oh and we hate TyRant because he deleted ForgeGuide.And then he cussed out our administrator.
    I hate him also because he took away my respected membership all because I spoke my mind about a certain logo decision.LOL,he said he didn't want an a-hole like me representing FG.Now whos the asshole?

    Oh and Sargeant I am working on the fairness of the game in v3.
    But if you downloaded the map/checked out the video you would notice that in v2 there is invisibility in the 1st teleporter room.Sometimes,zombies accidentally spawn in there.It is also very easy to get in there for the zombies.The entrance is right around a corner.

    And guys,please before commenting watch the video.Stop saying "I don't understand the gameplay"and stuff like that.Watch the video everything is explained.

    V3 announcements:I know this map isn't on your most excited for list (if you actually have one get a life)but here are some updates for V3.

    I am doing this without DueceEx because we haven't spoke a while and he wants to put weapon rooms and make it COMPLETELY unfair for the zombies...No matter what.Me and another friend(probably ob2is4me) will forge this.

    The zombies actually have a set respawn point in the first teleporter room with invisibility.Send a scout if need be.

    There will be a fusion coil that spawns in the air every ten seconds around the reciever nodes to prevent camping.(it will also have fusion coils around it to help kill the campers)

    All teleporters will be set FAIRLY.Which means,all of the teleporters before were facing the wall so zombies were dazed and confused.Now it will be faced directly towards potential campers.

    Will make the first grav lift respawn at FOURTY seconds this time.This is so it is harder for the humans.

    And the last update until further notice:
    I will be placing vehicles and one hidden rocket launcher for the stupid people.Jk :)
  13. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    Pics are not very good, but I'll DL.
  14. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    Are you serious???
    How many times do I have to post this.I don't really need pictures because there is a VIDEO.Vi-de-o!

    I have updated two more things.
    The grav lift will spawn in one minute
    DueceEx actually WILL help with the map.
    Thanks in advance to beachbum1212 for the fusion coil thrower thingy.
  15. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    looks a little plain, you should add more stuff to it
  16. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    This map has a couple of flaws that stand out a little. First, there is almost nothing on the map. Second, the teleporters, could be camped. What I like about it is the use of the secret rooms. They add a little more space to the map that is usually unused.

    Decent map.

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