I don't know why "judgement" was even brought into it. I'm trying to descale my own map so it plays at the pace I want it to play. IDGAF how people want their own maps to play.
I know you're playing it off as a joke, but just in case there's any hint of seriousness in that question: Yes, Goat will be a great judge for the competition.
I don't understand why 343i would make my beautiful bridges unclamberable... Why? Nevermind... I can clamber on them now.
I don't know much, but I do know that quake stylized maps put a heavy emphasis on map movement, not the "spawn rush"
I personally wouldn't recommend trying to cater your design towards what you assume the judges' preferences are. Generally speaking, we have more success designing the kind of maps we enjoy playing.
I don't know how much of this talk about judges preference is being taken to heart and affecting what people are making, versus how much of it is just expressing a concern, but here's how I see it. The last contest we did was a 1v1 contest. Looking back at the top 6-10 maps from that contest, the designs and gameplay varied enormously. Some had a lot of verticality, others did not. Some were very small, while others were significantly larger. Some were extremely linear, while others had numerous movement options. The pace of play varied greatly. You should also remember that the maps in this contest will be used in an upcoming tournament. Variety and originality are going to be very important. We don't want a tournament where every map has similar gameplay. Give us your very best map, not the best map you can make in the style that you think we want. It's usually a forgers unique perspective on what gameplay can be that makes a map stand out. If you're building to an imagined preference, you're doing yourself and the contest a great disservice.
I know how much you guys love remakes... lol I've got a lot of progress with Assembly, but alas so much more to go....
This is the problem with contests, participants get too caught up in chasing the prize, rather than making the maps they enjoy. I think it's great that we have the contest, and it's awesome that forgehub is throwing down for a solid prize pool.... but... definitely not something that interests me. In terms of opportunity cost, it's not worth the time and effort to pull my attention away from my other interests. I'll be entering my maps that I made for my personal enjoyment, but not because I have any aspirations of winning. I think such an approach is the healthiest, as there is no disputing that judging map quality is a highly subjective process.
I know you guys say what your saying. It does not change the fact that people have a bias and that bias would ultimately effect results. Even if there is an emphasis on variety that variety will still be chosen based on preferences. I do think the judges will do their best to give every map an equal chance. It doesn't change the fact that their play style's won't effect what they choose. It is something that just cannot be avoided.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed & am enjoying the 2 maps I put forth for this contest. I highly doubt I win even 3rd place but you can't deny it would be awesome to win cash for a forge map you worked hard on. I would have been doing it anyway so to get a prize is even better but I have seen some competition & don't like my chances. I didn't even get an honorable mention in the last contest so I didn't do this with high hopes of winning, just the love I have for building maps.
Well, I guess I'm going to go ahead and break up this contest conversation to show what I'm working on. I'm really not sure how the dvr thing works so excuse the HUD etc. The map's called Drought. I set it up for 4v4 TS, CTF, and Strongholds. No games yet. It can be found in my bookmarks if anyone cares.
I need to be inspired to build a map. There has to be some internal motivation, some drive to push me. External motivators, they don't do it anymore. Hell, I could be offered $500 outright, and I still wouldn't forge a map. I'm probably not gonna release a map for a long while. Motivation just isn't there.
http://www.forgehub.com/threads/new-project-alpha-stage.150559/ Feedback please! Also, I hope the different opinion's on 2v2 maps from No God & Goat spread across the judge panel. I would like to see each judge have their own preference as to what makes a perfect 2v2 map. I don't want three judges who all prefer The Pit or three judges who all prefer Guardian. I want one judge who prefers the Pit, one who prefers Guardian and one who prefers Construct. As Chunk stated, the 1v1 contest was diverse and I believe we'll get the same diversity in the 2v2 contest.
I strongly agree with this. I miss the days when the general community enjoyed maps and consquently, gameplay, of widely differing styles. Too often are forgers and playtesters stuck in the mindset of what they like, and how they personally think a map shld be desgined and scaled. Than they use this "knowledge" and promote it as an objective standard. Its great to have opinions and preferences, but please don't treat them like fact. Some of the worst feedback I've ever gotten in halo has come from "veterans" rather than inexpirenenced players. Personal bias can't be avoided, but when voicing concerns based on personal preference its important to make that clear. I'd love to see the return of larger scaled maps for both 2v2 and 4v4. With halo 5's movement options, its visual clarity at distances and the ultra accurate hit-scan weaponry. I personally beleive we have a game that not only can handle larger maps, but will excel at playing them better than previous halos. Just my 2 cents.
It would be absolutely insane to build a map that caters to anyone of the judges' preferences. I'm getting old and consequently have little time or energy to invest in Halo outside of Forge. I'm also ridiculously picky and I dislike just about every map in Halo for one reason or another, so I'll make it easy for you guys: My "biases" will be geared towards how the map is built moreso than how it plays. That is something I can view objectively. That includes lighting, spawns, kill boundaries, bumps on the ground, theme in geometry, clean forging, and other things that make the map polished and presentable. It's a several month long contest, so I don't think it's unfair to scrutinize the quality of forging. As for how it plays, I'm sure the others will be a better judge of that. That's not to say I have absolutely nothing to offer in that regard, but rather I would prefer to focus on what I'm the most familiar with. By doing that, I should avoid the inherent bias of "this map is/is not fun for me to play" vs "this map is/is not a good map", which not many people are able to separate.
Just realized my most recent map feature couldn't have come at a better time for the author. Happy Birthday @no god anywhere!