I was watching @NOKYARD stream on Twitch yesterday and through some form of prognostication he credited a lighting glitch to an unreleased ForgeHub tutorial video. I'm not sure if he saw the video in a dream or has some uncanny psychic ability. The glitch provides different directional lighting depending on how its set up. Here is the tutorial video that Nostradamus Nokyard somehow witnessed in advance of its release:
Word. I'll definitely take you up on that offer. I'll probably start blocking out early Monday morning, so if I see you on after that I'll shoot you an invite. Yeah I understand feeling out areas, I was wondering if there was any general guides I could use as a starting point. You also make a good point about no longer having to worry about piece conservation, because you can always make a hallway feel bigger by pushing the geometry around so it's not just a flat wall. Or sometimes making the ceiling higher has a similar effect. Honestly, I'm probably just looking for a shortcut, so I don't have to figure it out myself... But, I think I'm robbing myself of a good learning experience. Yeah I should be blocking it out soon and I'll be posting some pics for feedback afterward. I'm being very diligent in my efforts not to push too far ahead, because I've been looking at all these reference images for themes and I'm excited to start arting my map up. But I'm gonna be good and take my first map step by step. Gotta start forging ( ) good habits. What are the main pros/cons associated with building on any of the three canvases? Besides visual aesthetics? I'm not planning on using any of the terrain in my map or have any open views seeing as it will be an urban cityscape/interior of a structure and mostly enclosed. Do any of the canvases lend itself to lighting glitches more than others?
It's entirely possible he was referring to the video that @MythicFritz posted. @darkprince909 and @Randy 355 used this trick on Reliquary to have the reflections be of cliffs rather than regular Glacier and an outer portion of Reliquary. I also use it on Think Fast.
Was just gonna say @GodlyPerfection a clue to history might stem back to around Christmas when I saw this video from which I made this one. Maybe this Vlad356 is the originator or he can share who he figured it out from.
Can anyone please help? I am trying to script the platform on the right side of the pic to rise up out of the water and spin 180 degrees over a span of about 6 seconds, stay there for maybe 15 sec, then spin & lower back in the water (like a screw). I also want this to repeat every 2 minutes ( it wil have rockets or damage boost on it). I can't get it to do anything. I set it up with a 2 min initial delay but when that time comes up it just falls over & rolls around like it has normal physics. Idk if what I'm trying is even possible but I thought it was a cool original idea I hadn't seen yet. I didn't want to share this so I could be the first but I can't figure it out . I also planned to script some type of sound so that you could hear it rising up as an audio cue that the power weapon is up.
I really dislike the railings on the upper levels. I just feel that it's unnecessary restriction for the sake of looking cool. --- Double Post Merged, Feb 7, 2016 --- ooooh, that's a really neat Idea
It's so people have to jump to get a proper look down behind them. This means they can't just quickly peek in and out to shoot people on the bottom floor.
Good to know. You should totally show us what's on the other side of the dark hallway. Good lord man.
Isn't the point of catwalks like that to be an advantageous position over the low areas? I just don't see why you would want to limit people like that.
It's still an advantage, especially toward the middle of the map. If it really turns out to be a problem I'll change it, but "limiting" people like that isn't necessarily a bad thing.