EDIT: After some tweaks, the MAP WAS RELEASED: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/tetrad.1894/ Tetrad is a symmetrical 2v2 Slayer map I made for the 2v2 map contest. Its gameplay revolves around controlling the top of the map and the binary rifle that spawns there. Weapons: Binary rifle x1 110 sec. changed to 100, NOW 150 Battle rifle x2 40 sec. Smg x1 60 sec. NOW removed Storm rifle x1 65 sec. Splinter grenade x2 45 sec. NOW 60 Added Overshield 140 sec. changed to 170, NOW 180 Added bolt shot x2 60 sec. The Smg, storm rifle, and splinter grenades all spawn on the lower side of the map giving the team down there a better chance of pushing the other team out. There is also a mancannon in the center of the map which is a quick but dangerous route to the top. I'm looking for feedback on everything, but here are some things I'm thinking: -Is it too easy/hard to attack the top? -Weapon spawn times good/bad? -Is the storm rifle good enough of a weapon to help a team attack the top? (I used to have a saw there, but I thought it was too good) -Are player spawns good/bad? -Is the current weapon set not varied enough?(More weapons should be added?) -Is the map fun? This is the first map I've made this seriously, so any basic mistakes I'd like to know about, hopefully with a suggestion or two on how to fix. Update 4: Current map name: Tetrad Gamer tag: Rabid Hogs
UPDATE: After seeing some gameplay on another 2v2 map, I felt that adding an Overshield at the storm rifle might make for some interesting new gameplay, and utilize more of the map while still keeping the top as the place to be. The storm rifle was moved to the SMG spot, and the SMG was removed. The binary rifle was lowered to a 100 sec. respawn.
If u ever need testing and a extra player my GT is VwS Executioner good looking map I'd be willing to see how it plays on a high competitive level
The whole Binary Rifle on top, and Storm Rifles to counter, thing reminds me of a BTB map I made. Be careful with putting the Binary Rifle in an overpowered spot. Though it looks like it's probably exposed enough to balance things out.
UPDATE 2: Overshield is now 170 sec instead of 140, some railings were added, and some paths were widened. The map is now "Tetrad 0.4"
I'd recommend keeping things on minute or half minute timers as it's easier for players to remember than ending with 170 . 180 is a lot easier to keep track of
Liking how this looks so far. I think the Storm rifle in its current state would probably be fine, but I haven't played the map. I'm usually on with some buds testing smaller maps if you want to join in. GT: Ticky IV
UPDATE 3: Overshield is now 180 sec. Added a lighted vending machine to either side to help visually confirm red/blue sides. Added wind sound effects, and added named locations. -Upper red side room: Red Tower --Area between the red upper and lower rooms: Red Base -Lower red side room: Bottom Red --Upper blue side room: Blue Tower -Area between the blue upper and lower rooms: Blue Base --Lower blue side room: Bottom Blue -Area between Red and Blue towers: Top Mid --Lowest pathway with man-cannon: Bottom Mid -Overshield area, and thin walkways to it: (Can't remember, will update later) There were also some slight block placement changes. (purely aesthetic)
It might sound a bit nitpicky; while the map is aesthetically pleasing for quick glances, from the pictures the sheer white map combined with bright backlighting might just cause a bit of an issue. That kind of very bright white is extremely tiring on the eyes and hard to focus on for long periods of time. In addition, it just makes it hard to differentiate areas because even if they're physically different, the lighting and color won't be different enough to make them catch people's eye quickly. You'll notice most maps tend to use at least 4 different colors regularly, even ones that seem mono-chromatic like Midship/Truth. You could probably keep the same aesthetic effect and feel, but maybe mix in some browns/greys for certain areas to create a bit of transition between areas. Also, maybe choose a more neutral/less intense time of day/effect. Maybe its just the picture doing it, but I feel like you could snowblind if you accidentally glanced outside the map!
UPDATE 4: Added colors to differentiate map areas, added extra cover to Overshield column, and remade the lower rooms. Also changed binary from 100 sec to 150. Map now "Tetrad 0.5" UPDATE 5: Added colored doorways, added ramps in either base, and change splinter grenades from 45 sec to 60 UPDATE 6: Top rooms have grey ceilings and floors, each top room has a 0 spare ammo 60 sec bolt shot in the corner now as well. Added ramps to the center, and the map is now "Tetrad"
Very nice, and much improved. The colors definitely spruce it up a bit, and will help with callouts and keeping track and where people are.