Yeah this is my first map for hub, but this is a remake of Cod4's Shipment! It is a bit bigger than Cod4 because I couldn't tell the exact lengths but still its pretty fun. I am always making CoD gametypes for the few I will make. Right now I have Shipment set up for Team Deathmatch, Sabotage, Domination (It's not exactly like Cod dom but its as good as I could get it) and I'm workin on search and destroy. Download the Map here: For team deathmatch gtype: For sabotage gtype: And for domination: I obviously can't get the actual Cod feel into this map, it's just the map. But have fun. And no I didn't know others made this map. I just made it.
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator
@ FordCalvin: You're warned, so obviously, you didn't obey the rules either. And this is his first post, give him some slack. But, he did realize that he needs pictures, so shame for knowing and still posting.
congrats your the 10000000000000th person who made this m************ mapplease stop making this map my god
i think this sounds like a fun map to play i recentaly stopped playing cod4 so im familler with the maps
Looks fun. I like Cod4 a lot and shipment is Class! Il download. Oh, and I know how you feel about people complaining to you about not meeting standards. Its strict I know, but we will get used to it.
does not look too nice, this is just my openion but cod is not a good game and does not deserve any remakes on halo just my openion
I respect your opinion Albino, but I think there should be more CoD4 remakes than there already are. This is a good attempt, but try a diferent map next time, shipment is too easy, but with this good example, I think you can do something much grander with another CoD4 map. If you need help, just PM me sometime and we can get to work Happy Forging! Desert Rat 852
well just for the record it looks extremly easy to jump out of and I know you spent a long time making this but even I have one soory but mines a little more precise if you want to see send me a msg sadly its only a V1 sorry but judging by the pics it dosent look very accurate 2/5
I love shipment in COD 4, but it doesn't seem like it would be very fun for Halo. One thing you should do is make the wall blocking off the hallway and two rooms higher, because you can grenade jump out of the map.
Although you're not the first to do this map i dont see how it compaires to the others. Most of them have a full detailed layout of the map included weapens etc. This on the otherhand does not. Shipment is a small map, correct? Why do you need to use the whole of foundry. Interlocking by the looks of it dont exist but 2 screenshots does not give me the feel of the whole map so i can not really tell. In my opinion you should concerntrate on something else as a V2 would be a bit pointless as there are better shipment maps out there!
I can see the resemblance a little bit, but COD4 maps have been overly created and if you want any downloads you need to take pride in your work and take time to make it look great and respectable. Welcome to ForgeHub.
fill chill out if you don't like the map you don't have to post. Posts are for comments and tips to improve on. Seriously....
You were onced warned to so shut up. I was not warned for not posting pics on my map, I was warned for being spamming.
First of, you don't have to be an ass about it. It's his first post, how is he supposed to know? jerk.... Anyway, this map looks good for a first post, you may want to broaden your horizon though on what maps to remake. Good first post though