Credit Goes to Mallet for making the original map. This is the second map of the Y35 map pack made by Dodfrontlines11 and Whited3vil911 (The Official Y35). It all starts when two cargo ships fly near one another with men aboard. All you can do is man cannon them across to the other ship or go up top by grav lift and snip. The map features two identical bases floating above the icy waters on Blackout. Each team starts off on opposite sides and either uses the two man cannons to shoot across, follow the stepping stones or use one of the two grav lift chutes on each side to get to the top where there are snipers and spike grenades. The map is a great little small sided preferably Team Slayer/Snipers, but possibly FFA sniper map. Each side has minimal cover on the top, but if you choose to stay away from the snipers you can stay down low or at the top of the two Grav Lift chutes made out of Grav Lifts and open boxes. It is funn and interesting because you dont know whats going to happen. Weapons 4 Sniper Rifles 16 Spike Grenades 2 Fire bomb Grenades 2 Bubble Shields 2 Power Drains 1 Regenerator So here is the map, it is a little dark, but the game is still very playable. Overview of the entire map. Base One Base two. Making a run for the Fire Grenades and Regenerator. Fighting in mid air off of the man cannons. Lower/Main Level with Grav Lift in Background. Top of the Grav Lift chute with grenade line to the side. Main Top Walkway. Making the sniper run at the end of the walkway. This map is a funn small sided game. Link
I love the concept but if it was me i would make each base bigger and more complex and also i would delete those doors inbetween the two bases and use only tele's to make it from side to side Sorta like Boarding ACtion from Halo 1!!
I'm not saying it is against the rules or anything, but you probably shouldn't post two maps at once. It is better to space your map threads out and give people time to see them, otherwise one might be totally forgotten. But other than that the screens are a tad dark but I am interested to see a new variant on Blackout.
Yeah I know they were a little close together but our idea was to unleash them together except for the third map these two were kinda little previews.
looks like luner whatever, but power wepons+small platform=BADDDDDDDDDD you should put an mlg version
Lmao found Mallet you! But if you did make it good job because it takes forever to make a floating base.
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the map looks sweet i like how you get form on side to the other i would love to play shotty snip CTF on this
yeah idk there was one map i played on blackout that i ripped apart to start my own i dont remember which one though