AnonFriction submitted a new map: Remembrance (Ivory Tower) - The music has died and you can't see your Reflection Read more about this map...
OMG, this looks amazing! I'll let you know what I think soon. EDIT: I love the map. I think the lift is a little slow and should be slightly faster. I found some gaps near single lift side in front of each gate. I also noticed a gap underneath a ramp on double lift side. My last suggestion is to try to include the jump up from middle to single lift because I used that jump up all the time in the original.
This map really is an impressive piece of work to show that even remakes on this engine can look outstanding and really have the feel and atmosphere of the original maps.
Great job this looks immaculate. Happy to see that you guys were so detailed, accurate, and working together in remaking ivory tower. I've worked with some of these guys in the past and it's great to see them providing you with their expertise that has helped me on previous projects
AnonFriction updated Remembrance (Ivory Tower) with a new update entry: Fixed it Boss! Read the rest of this update entry...
Great remake. Played great in the stream a couple weeks ago (haven't played on it since then, sadly) and the map itself is beautiful. My only gripe would be that some areas feel a little large, even considering that you probably upscaled to account for sprint. Maybe I'm just remembering the map as being smaller than it actually was.
With the latest update some areas were actually scaled down! (Most notably the hallways by Sniper) Let me know what you think if you get a chance to see the updated version and thanks for the feedback!
AnonFriction updated REMEMBRANCE with a new update entry: Remembrance 1.5 is here! Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm not even a huge fan of Ivory Tower but this is so well done I can't help but like it. The one thing that drove me nuts is the water sounds coming from those two blocks. I hate that water sound in the first place. It's an irritating combination of being the wrong sound most of the time that is also too bloody loud. When it comes from blocks that shouldn't have those sounds **RAGE** Anyway for my own sanity I have come up with a solution that, at the very least, I personally can live with. The biggest flaw is the block (that you typically cannot see) is now visible outside the window. I needed to use a thicker block and positioned it to hide the fuglies while still allowing people to properly clamber onto the ledge. Since there is no image upload button here and I'm too lazy to upload somewhere else, here is a link to 1 of 3 screenshots on my fileshare Link
So...I saw that picture of the map you tweeted to Tom French...this needs to go in matchmaking some day. For sure. It looks great!