Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Jan 8, 2016.

By WAR on Jan 8, 2016 at 3:44 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Halo Follower One of Halo's biggest "News" Sites and now the rest of the Follower Group (incl: Valve Follower, Destiny Follower & Star Wars Follower)source are on the brink of collapse as their prominent figures including: Fletch, Bukeye, Kenny, Zach, Dean, Jasper, Casey and more announced that they are leaving the site due to the poor management and accusations that founder and former Host Chris Bryant has been stealing from them (money and other assets). Subsequently Chris has blocked them on twitter, as they spread out to do other things, including some members joining the Ultimate Halo group.

    Here is a screenshot of a post to r/halo that outlines some of the crazy events that has led to this mass resignation

    the original post has since been removed

    A Full Leak of the events are set to be to be released by former Halo Follower Staff soon.

    Former members claim that Chris has also been stealing money from them, Link to screenshot, Added Zach, Jasper, Casey to the list, Valve Follower, Destiny Follower & Star Wars Follower also on brink of collapse, Full Leak to be revealed soon.
    source: DeltaStrike7




    Dear Halo Community,
    Today we'll be uncovering the scandal that has been surrounding Follower Interactive and Chris.

    Back in December, Christian (the founder of Follower) decided that he wanted to return to folower as CEO despite his absence for almost a year. In his absence for a year, Follower grew by 400%, gainig sponsors that we had never had before. All of this happened under the leadership of Zach Denton, who Chris had appointed as CEO when he left.

    When Chris returned, he essentially left Zach with no other option but to leave Follower due to significantly unacceptable malpractices. All of this despite the continued growth (which Follower still benefits from today), saying that he (Chris) would take over full control of Follower and start making regular content. For any of you long time subscribers, I'm sure this is horrible to hear.

    Chris had made a contract for Zach giving him a large percentage of the company for being in charge and growing Follower for a full year. When Zach saw no other option but to dissociate himself from this scam-in-progress, Chris refused to give Zach his rightful percenage of the company, showing that the contact was in fact FAKE. Chris had conned Zach into a contract that gave him false security. What made this even worse was that Chris was not just conning Zach but all the members in the company. Chris didn't allow anyone to manage pay but himself, and had sole control over any PayPal business account, paying people himself. To put it simply, Chris stole the money of his employees, telling them fake percentage rates, and pocketing their hard earned money, stealing potentially tens of thousands of dollars off of owed employee pay, however, we presume he will deny this vigorously.

    Its's easy to say here that Chris just made some calculation errors and that gifuring out accounting is hard, but an independent contractor named Seth was working on an automated tool which would allow producers and writers to manage and share projects internally, and management to automate payments. This system was named the Follower Interactive Management System (FIMS). Chris refused to give Seth special developer access tokens/keys which would allow him to progress development of administrative features, the most important of which being automated and truly fair payments. Seth has had to ask for months to acquire these access keys so FIMS could actually be continued, but he continued refusing to cooperate unless Seth handed over the rights to FIMS. If Seth handed it over, Chris planned on just using it to launder money even further, and when Seth made an official contract for Chris to ensure he was paid appropriately, Chris and his sister (the new "HR" of the team) told him he was essentially useless.

    source: KennyWunpheng
    #1 WAR, Jan 8, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016


Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Jan 8, 2016.

    1. a Chunk
    2. PharmaGangsta1
      Chris probably doesn't even know how to pronounce "stealing".

      In all seriousness, it's sad to see a channel I've been subscribed to for nearly five years go down the drain because the founder is a no-good greedy bastard of an idiot, at least that's what it sounds like.

      Anyone getting some THFE deja-vu here?
    3. Rifte
      has Chris given any statements or is it like former HF's word against his right now? Not that I don't think this isn't totally plausible and prolly what's happening.


      Whatever happened to THFE? i remember following it back in the day when Oakley HiDef I think did a lot of the stuff.
    4. Jesus in Malibu
      Jesus in Malibu
    5. ChieftaiNZ
      Agent Clock.
      This is obvioushly a consiprachy by ONI to deshtroy halofollower to stop all my truthful theories!

    6. ReclaimerX22
      Is he Sean Connery now? Lol

      Agent Clock tho. Lmao.
    7. a Chunk
      a Chunk
    8. ChieftaiNZ
      I mean, there is no real loss in the community.
      Sucks for the content creators, and I hope they get their money, but atleast Halo Follower is Finished.

      Seriously though, Feckin Agent Clock.
    9. SecretSchnitzel
      "Figuring out accounting is hard". Um, no its not. Much like overcoming a speech impediment, it takes work, but isn't too difficult. I would know, I've done both. :p
    10. Grif otaged
      Grif otaged
      I never liked Halo Follower. All he did was re-explain and speculate on random bits of information about the games to make videos; at least in the early days.
    11. Overdoziz
      Yeah, I don't get how his channel got big to begin with. It was just video after video with bullshit speculation based on nothing while acting like everything was a big deal.
      Grif otaged and WAR like this.
    12. PharmaGangsta1
      Now it's all: "Crap, there's no news.. make a top 10 list about something unoriginal, like cutscenes! Money! Like and Subscribe, Bi***es!"
    13. SecretSchnitzel
      I also highly doubt the follower series was worth tens of thousands of dollars.
    14. Preacher001
      A quick look through their video views and then factoring in that they have sponsers other than google it looks like they may have made at most probably $100,000 over the total life of all sites combined. Not alot of money if spread out over time and people, but still enough to piss people off if they deserve a piece of the pie. Tens of thousands is a reasonable statement.
    15. Panyc333
      Was that the guy that would say things like "Nets time on Etts Box."? I tried to give that guy the benefit of the doubt but ultimately found his analysis borderline fan fic. I thought that HF was getting "better" over the past several months but this sh!t is just bad all around. I hope the people who are owed, get theirs, whatever they deserve...
    16. Modern Hit
      Modern Hit
      I don’t know why a classical definition would be relevant in this modern context, but you may be thinking of ‘etenim’, not ‘Etts’ (which is a much broader term). By doing that (unless you aren't a HF subscriber then it's no harm no foul) you contribute to the misunderstanding that Halo players are anti-introspective jocks, which actually makes it harder on all of us. We end up being either asked "why don't you think about the long term sustenance of the community" or people put spam in our comments because they have come to learn from people like Chris Bryant that this is accepted among the Halo community. Have we given up altogether?

      Also, SecretSchnitzel: an accountant with a speech impediment?
    17. VwS Executioner
      VwS Executioner
      Is Chris the annoying one who doesn't know English?
    18. PharmaGangsta1

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