This thread is to identify the Forge objects that currently have issues. I have found that there are a few objects with faulty hit boxes, sizes labeled incorrectly, center of mass point in incorrect position, ect... Please include: 1) Name of piece 2) type of issue 3) specific details of issue (ex. hit box offset -1 unit on z-axis)
It might makes sense to wait until after the update to start this, as I know they've already fixed a bunch of them.
Dont cloud the issue with facts. lol I agree, wasn't really thinking about the upcoming update. good looks. Any reports that come in I will test after the update as I do not have the power to delete this thread
1) Forerunner Pulse Sound Effect 2) Selecting it from the menu spawns a different sound item. 3) The Battle (Explosions) sound is spawned instead.
1) Grinding sound effect 2) Select all doesn't properly select all instances of this sound 3) When using select all for the Grinding Sound effect it selects all other sound effects in the machine category. Haven't tested it, but I assume this also happens when select all is used on any of the machine sound effects.
1) Interactive Platform (Eden & Forge) -- Similar to platform of balcony on Eden. 2) Interaction doesn't function 3) Once Placed Animation lowers platform into floor piece, but never rises again. No exploding cannister available to set off animation per Interactive Ramps