Raide UK submitted a new map: Longest Yard - A remake of the classic Quake 3 map, Longest Yard but with a team twist. Read more about this map... --- Double Post Merged, Dec 25, 2015 --- Finally Halo 5 has let me finish this remake. Finally enough man-cannons to finish it! The cannon aiming is also a godsend. Feedback most welcome. For some reason the copy and paste in Forge jumbled things around a touch.
I wanted to get the layout correct but doing accurate curves is hard! May revisit it aging one day but I am pretty happy with this one, especially trying to get Quake lighting etc. Thanks for your message!
Fantastic remake! The only thing I can think to add is a custom gametype. I haven't had a chance to investigate all the options, but any combination of faster movement speed, lower gravity, higher shields, and higher ammo count for the rockets. The map is a little open for standard Halo settings, because obviously Quake 3 and Halo are very different games. But for crazy custom FFAs, you wont find better than this map. Well done!
Thank you for taking the time to reply. It is fairly tuned for the Halo speed but a lower gravity/faster speed could work. I will have to tweak it and see what it is like. I will return to this map to maybe rework some of the layout to match things up a little more. I am pretty poor at things like spawns etc, so any advice on better placement is most welcome. More rockets are always fun! I do wonder how the Halo Railgun works for this map. If anyone has played it and wants to post some videos of it, let me know! Would love to see people playing!
Raide UK updated Longest Yard with a new update entry: Longest Yard Team Read the rest of this update entry...