I need people for a livestream I'm doing tomorrow where I'm doing every map in halo history! The game modes will rotate between: Slayer KotH CTF Depends on the halo; Halo 1 - Oddball Halo 2 - Territories Halo 3 - VIP Halo Reach- Invasion/Invasion Slayer (depends on map) Halo 4 - Extraction Halo 5 - Breakout/Strongholds (depends on map) We play each map twice before we move to the next one. -2 Teams of 8 -Stream starts at 10am PST and ends when we finish Halo 5 *If I am early or majority won't be on before 10am PST then I'll play firefight on reach, or play ODST and have it as the pre show. If you wish to join send a message to imaprosniper117 (me) just asking for an invite. If you guys want to move the stream back (due to time being to early) we can discuss it here, any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.