I was playing 2 flag on Avalanche when the enemy stole our flag. I was at the portal with only a battle rifle. I picked up rockets and aimed way ahead to kill the flag carrier. Some may call this luck... and I will call it luck as well I shot it knowing I would be close but the enemy practically jumped right into the rocket. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8TqTeuRWWc Bungie Link
nice, one time i got a kill from the grave with a rocket, shows how freaking slow they are. it was on foundry
ooooh so close to headshot lol. anyways i was expecting the rocket to hit the wall near the flag guy but i was surprised when you actually got him in his body.
I did something similar on Sandtrap. I killed a guy from, almost literally, from oppisite ends of the map. I was standing at the blue dot and the red dot is where the guy died. The yellow line is the path of the rocket. [EDIT] After looking at the pic, it wasn't as far away as I was thinking it was.
wow good video. i like the last few seconds haha. and fastforward, i did something similair. I was your red dot though, and the other guy was out in dunes, if you extend that line to the back. He had a turret and was protecting a flag (He was off the turret, moving around)