Anarchy Kane submitted a new map: Crusade - Symmetrical 8 Player Arena Map Read more about this map...
Played a few games on this map today, very fun for neutral flag! Looks pretty, and weapon balance is very good.
Anarchy Kane updated CRUSADE with a new update entry: Crusade Visual Update Read the rest of this update entry...
If your online could you maybe help me set up the stronghold spawns? They seemed fine to me. Im not really a pro at spawn zones and Im not sure how they should be set up. Is there a way to make it where you spawn next to the hill you have already? It seemed like thats how it was already working. If you have all the hills the enemy team would spawn on the lower overhanging platforms. I might drop the center stronghold down to the tunnel area. To me it seems logical that the lower part of the map is for spawning and movement because it makes you naturally want to climb up to the middle promoting action. Im not sure how you can describe exactly how that top middle platform with the four pillars plays and say its a bad thing. You have a vantage point over most of the map so why would it not be a vulnerable spot. Theres plenty of cover from every angle up there so you really arent completely vulnerable. You have the two lanes you can shoot down but the center walls provide cover. The two shields give you cover from the side and the 4 columns in the cent provide cover for both the defender and the attacker coming from the lift. Yeah its really meant for 8 players or less but theres no lobby cap and I invite everyone on my friendlist.
Anarchy Kane updated CRUSADE with a new update entry: Crusade Spawn Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Anarchy Kane updated CRUSADE with a new update entry: Stronghold Hill moved Read the rest of this update entry...