Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      Spawn bug's
      -spawn volume's weight is stuck at -16 to -15.88
      -spawning on a point that has a running start, then going into monitor form, you will infinitely go foward, and if you go back to spartan you are placed running foward, you cannot turn in either form, best solution is to die

      -Objects in Props/Interactive/target will randomly move nearby objects with its animation, best solution is to lock all nearby objects
      -The sound 'forerunner pulse' doesn't exist, instead it spawns a 'battle: explosions' sound
      -Stairs, trapezoids and cylindrical objects don't have proper light bake, thus resulting in more lighting bug's to those objects
      -The accent pieces 'wall: elbow right/left' have strange grab boxes as trying to select objects above to below them will select the elbow piece instead

      Fog for rain/snow
      On all maps there apears to be two fog fx placed, which shouldn't really mater however on Alpine's overcast setting one of the fx is inverted so fog goes both ways up/down. This also happens on all Parallax's settings, on breakout arena the fog is set to your spartan's looking orientation so right in front of you is +z while behind you is -z
    2. Sitri
      No idea if this has been reported yet, but I found a pretty awful bug regarding splash damage. I'm unsure if it's certain pieces, or if it has to do with how pieces are put together, but a large amount of surfaces on my map don't give splash damage to the player.

      Here's a video of it happening.
      SH1FTY, WAR and a Chunk like this.
    3. WAR
      This is a really good catch - can you let us know what pieces the floors and walls are composed of?
    4. Sitri
      They're a bunch of primitive blocks. The floors are 32x32x2, 48x48x2, and 32x96x2. The walls are all sorts of blocks.

      This bug seems isolated to that one specific area, too. A new section I added last night does not experience this glitch.
      Out of curiosity, I tested some more explosive weapons. It seems that it's only Frag Grenades and both Rocket Launchers that are affected by this oddity. The Scattershot also bounces and deals damage as it normally would.

      Raising the entire affected area by a large amount also seemed to fix the grenades not dealing damage, so I suspect it may be an issue with the pieces merged together.
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
    5. InvokingTexan
      Alpine Canvas (1): If an area is created above, but not in physical contact with, the water portions of Alpine, your character's jump that descends roughly greater than -25 units of vertical height, using precision coordinates, will be accompanied by the "splash" sound effect while jumping off, descent, and subsequent landing.

      Author's note: because of the intolerable issues surrounding object grouping, sometimes items go along your intended vector and sometimes they warp out of sight, I cannot simply relocate my map onto the dry portions of Alpine.
    6. SloppyBottom
      My map will not load. Says "retrieving data." Don't know what caused it. Quit forge without saving intentionally as I didn't like the changes I made. When I went to customs to try and load it there I got the error. I can still load a previous save file so it isn't all maps across the board. I had twitch snapped at the time, and did navigate it to full screen for a time. Don't know if that's relevant. Upset. I have to reforge a little and replace all my spawns off the older save file.


      Thank you. This solved my problem.
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
    7. InvokingTexan
      I'm encountering your conundrum the more I load my files through Forge. The stop-gap solution is to save two copies of the map your attempting to create. Mark the files with a memorable sequence, say; file "no.1" and file "no.2." If you confront the "retrieving data" issue for the most recent file (no.2), you can fallback, and load the older file (no.1). I hope this information is of use to you.

      Godspeed in your endeavors, Sloppy.
      SloppyBottom likes this.
    8. Sethiroth
      There is a glitch if you thurster through the teleporter you come out the wrong direction. I think the same for shoulder charge
      a Chunk likes this.
    9. InvokingTexan
      I also forgot to mention that if you restart your console, the reboot has an 8 out of 10 attempt(s) rate of clearing the "retrieving data" issue. From what I've read on various forums, the glitch stems from over-stressed server networks. The aforementioned proposal is very interesting; considering that each match loaded in Forge mode is using a dedicated server, I'm curious on how "over strained" these Internet networks are.
    10. SH1FTY
      This might have been reported before but Invisible Blockers cause grenades to disappear when they come to rest on them before exploding. The explosion still effects the player however you are unable to see the grenade on the Invisible Blocker.

      Also on a side note you should be able to bounce grenades up stairs like you would with normal ramp pieces.

      **** Just realized this is a forge mode only issue with the invisible blockers.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    11. Preacher001
      No, on account of physics.

      People need to start accepting that rocks should randomize nade trajectories along with roots and the likes. If you want nades to bounce up ramps then put up a ramp. I like mud and crevaces catching a nade, or stairs bouncing nades away/down or across like they should normally. Golf courses have different surfaces to increase the games difficulty. I "want" to be challenged by the environment.
    12. Goat
      think i'm able to replicate all of the object related bugs in Forge now. grouping and welding one is obvious, although which objects are affected is unpredictable. found out the sequence for random physics changes last night. the random inverted control bug usually happens if you fly close to the ceiling (i think while an object is selected). the easiest bug to replicate is the glacier bug, where switching the time of day makes groups unselectable and shows them as being out of position. is possible it only shows up in coop forging.
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
    13. Goat
      I disagree. "realism" is bad for predictable gameplay, especially if you're making an all natural map. Terrain used to be terrible for grenade bouncing, so terrain maps were never taken seriously. They finally bounce smoothly on the pieces we have now and that means we can have competitive maps that aren't a bunch of flat metal surfaces. The past Halo games have used invisible blockers on many things like staircases or otherwise uneven geometry for this reason, and that's how it should be.

      Of course there might be people who want environment to impede the player for whatever reason, so it should just be a custom option. Something like "enable/disable collision physics." I imagine most people wil turn it off though, but options are always good.
    14. Graybes
      Am I screwed if I deleted the original spawn points and placed my own? I always thought the warning was just to make sure you always had spawn points on your map. Now it makes it sound like you can't delete the original ones at all even if you went and placed your own.

      I've been working very hard on a map and placed all of my spawn points and then deleted the original ones. Am I going to run into issues?
    15. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      The piece bridge corner 48x48x4 chamfer still has collision in the corner that is missing.
    16. Preacher001
      I was having trouble linking two objects with the magnets until I realized they were the Halo lenses on the two cars across from me at the intersection.

      Damn I'm suffering some serious P.F.S.D.
    17. SeaVomit
      ok so, my map won't load and no one can bookmark it anymore (including myself), it was working just fine until I deleted the extra copies of it in my files leaving the final in my bookmark. the same file that is in my bookmark rite now, that won't load, is the one I would use to load up the map, I didn't touch it in anyway but once I deleted the other copies it just stopped working.

      has this happened to anyone? anyone know how to make it work again?

      I haven't tried asking anyone who's already bookmarked the map to try and load it because frankly I just don't know who has lol
    18. Jango
      Invisible Sender nodes (teleporters) are unaffected by Move Offset scripts in custom games. In Forge the node will move but not while in a custom game.
    19. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      I'm not sure if this qualifies as a 'forge' issue or not.
      If you Bookmark a map that's been renamed by the creator, it will keep the new name as long as it's in your Bookmarks. However, as soon as you save the map it reverts to the files original name.
    20. SH1FTY
      Canvas: Alpine
      Bug: Grenade explosions wont deal damage to the player in specific areas. time/video/14039627 time/video/14027897

      I tried deleting objects in the areas that are effected by this but it seem very random and I can not find a specific object that is causing this. I have also tried moving the map to another area of Alpine to see if that fixed anything but it did not. Note sometimes it is possible to receive plasma damage in some areas but not frag damage.
      a Chunk likes this.

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