I plan to do some testing on my 1st submission to the 2v2 contest. If anyone is down to help please let me know. If I can get this set up for sure then I plan to do it at 8:30 central time. I just want to get a few games on it then we can play anyone else's as well. Just post your GT here unless we are already friends then just say you are down. In the past this has never worked due to short notice like this but I only need 3 people so I thought wth?
If I'm on, I would be willing to play test as well. Gamer tag -Fame28 if anyone doesn't have me added already.
Sweet, thanks guys. My wife is going to a girly movie with some friends, I will be making a second version to try out a different weapon set. So I'll be on before hand but my 2 year old makes it hard for me to play online with a mic so when I put her to bed that's when the customs will start.
I know it's a little past 8:30, but if you're by any chance still testing, I'm down to help. (That goes for anyone who needs a map tested)
I just got off, but send me a FR. I'll probably be back on in a little bit. I got some feedback & will be making some adjustments. Thanks for the help @Xandrith