actually, i did download your map and ran through it. i found it bland and forgetful in a sea of clones. that sound better? next time i wont sugarcoat it for you. you are rude and arrogant. i will not be returning to this thread, and you've lost my download on any of your future maps.
Silence, I'm not even going to dignify that post with a response to any of its points. I was polite in my response to you. Consider yourself ignored.
you gave this map 4/10. *****, imma come to my house with my broskis, and we gon beatcho ass up. because you keep posting on maps and your talking out yo ass. you haven't even seen this map and you judging its by its cover. read the book *****.
Haruki you're being a ****. The screenshots are there to convince people to download, so stop bitching about people criticism.
Everyone, discuss the map. Don't talk about another post in here, however wrong and stupid it may be. Although I consider you a good friend, Haruki, it pains me to see how overreactive you are. Let others point out their idiocies, so you don't get such a bad reputation for being a jerk.
rofl I personally don't see how people continue to criticize this map. This was a blast to test and the gameplay was never bland. i commend you for a great map that continues to function regardless of the gametype and making an original and playable map.
H-howeveryouspellyourname: I'm pretty sure it's because Haruki's well known for criticizing Featured maps for being elitist or something like that. Bias, as usual. Anyways, Haruki, had a blast with this today. Sorry I couldn't stay the entire game, but it was fun.
This map looks amazing. I like the whole wall idea and the structures on the other sides of the wall. A lot of time looks spent on aesthetics, which usually isn't a major part of MLG maps, however this makes it work. The gameplay looks phenominal. You may want to check weapon placement and make a v2. I played on it and the rocket spawn seems kind of awkward for some reason.
Yeah, wii, nemi... I do kind of have that aura about me... Anyway, thank you step and radiant. Radiant, you aren't the first person to say that, someone said it in testing, but I didn't really think it was that bad. I guess if two people say that, there must be something to it. I'll check it out, I plan to release a v2 with better interlocking and I'll check weapon placement. Thank you for the comment.
interlock ^ | | lol jk ;D I think it looks pretty sweet, i like the bases, but the first few pics look too confined for MLG maybe? idk as i havnt played the map. but you did say the map is on crack so yeah..
Map Name: MLG R3imagine Author: haruki jitsunin Reviewed by: Brute Captain Enjoyment: 9/10 This map is definately one of my favorites. At first I was unsure as to how it would play but it more than pulled through. The gameplay was, to say the least, a blast. My best experiences on this map were during heated King of the Hill games. This map just provides very fast paced action that I have rarley seen on an MLG map. There are occassionally instances where gameplay is a little mundane, but for the most part it is very enjoyable. Balance: 8/10 As far as balance goes, this map is as stable as it is fun. You can really get a sense of control in R3imagine, needing to keep tabs on weapons and hold down certain positions. One of my favorite parts about this map is how haruki implemented the dividing wall. Although the concept of a large wall may not be original, the feel of the wall is unique. It allows quick travel above the ruckus going on below, but if you aren't nimble you may end up dead halfway across. The only qualms I had with this map is that sometimes the two areas that are on the ends of the wall can become crowded. This can result in grenade spamming and sometimes requires little to no skill to get a kill there. But for the most part, this map is solidly balanced. Durability: 7/10 This is one area that suffered due to the spawns. I do know that often people have trouble with their spawns, many a time ruining entire maps. But in R3imagine's case, a minor inconvenience. Most of the time everything held up pretty well. There doesnt appear to be any way out of the map, which is great, I tried, but failed. Although the spawns usually would be fine, there were a few notable issues. Occassionally a player would spawn maybe within ten feet of an enemy player. This would result in an obvious unfair advantage to one of the players. While I found myself in an inconveinient spawn maybe once or twice a game, it didn't go as far as to destroy the fun of the game. Aesthetics: 6/10 This maybe the category in which this map only didn't quite make it. haruki jutsunin made a great map, but I wish he had taken a little more time to polish it. Overall, the map is made well. There is evident use of interlocking and merging. But, the map just came across as lackluster. Aesthetics may not be necessary to balance and durability, but contributes to the overall package. R3imagine had quite a few areas that were very plain and boring. Nothing seemed attractive or appealing to the eye. And in the middle areas on the ends of the wall, I wish he would have perhaps made it look a little nicer and clean. I know it is an MLG map, but even maps like Onslaught have their charms. For the most part it looks average. Originality: 7/10 As a whole R3imagine has a great layout. It really is a well thought of layout that I have seen seldom rivaled in an MLG map. But, still, it wasn;t quite original as to rise above the average map. The wall, although well used and implemented, wasn't a completely new idea, people have been making walls since the first week Foundry came out. And the structures didn't come across as innovative either. There just wasn't anything so unique and new that it grabbed you attention and made you say, "Why didn't I think of that...". Yes, the layout was great, but I really would have like to have seen a little more imagination. Overall: 7.5/10 Overall I would personally reccomend MLG R3imagine to anyone who loves a good competitive game or hardcore MLG Competition. I loved haruki's map, but it's lack of luster may bring it down a little. But as a map, it deserves a rating above average, 7 being average. Perhaps if haruki jitsunin made a V2 and cleaned the map up a little, I would definately consider giving this an 8. It functions well, and I hope to see many more creations from haruki.
Thank you brute, I really appreciate the rating and am glad my map is better than average... XD Anyway, I do hope to release a v2... maybe not soon, but I'm hoping to get another forger to do the aesthetics... I'm not sure...
Map Name: MLG R3imagine Author: haruki jitsunin Reviewed by: Brute Captain This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 59KB. Enjoyment: 8.5/10 This map is definately one of my favorites. Pretty much all of the reviewers with me agreed that it was a s god solid map and was fun. At first I was unsure as to how it would play but it more than pulled through. The gameplay was, to say the least, a blast. My best experiences on this map were during heated King of the Hill games. This map just provides very fast paced action that I have rarley seen on an MLG map. There are occassionally instances where gameplay is a little mundane, but for the most part it is very enjoyable. Balance: 7.5/10 As far as balance goes, this map is as stable as it is fun. You can really get a sense of control in R3imagine, needing to keep tabs on weapons and hold down certain positions. One of my favorite parts about this map is how haruki implemented the dividing wall. Although the concept of a large wall may not be original, the feel of the wall is unique. It allows quick travel above the ruckus going on below, but if you aren't nimble you may end up dead halfway across. The only qualms I had with this map is that sometimes the two areas that are on the ends of the wall can become crowded. This can result in grenade spamming and sometimes requires little to no skill to get a kill there. One last thing that I noticed while reviewing this again, there definately is a slight problem with CTF. If you can manage to get around the corner with the flag, you can run straight through the middle of the map using the section underneath the wall. I know that was intended to be there, but I believe it allows the player to navigate from one base to the other too quickly. If I caught a team slightly offguard, I could score a flag in ten seconds with the drop and run technique. But for the most part, this map is solidly balanced. Durability: 6.5/10 This is one area that suffered due to the spawns. I do know that often people have trouble with their spawns, many a time ruining entire maps. But in R3imagine's case, a minor inconvenience. Although the spawns usually would be fine, there were a few notable issues. Occassionally a player would spawn maybe within ten feet of an enemy player. This would result in an obvious unfair advantage to one of the players. While I found myself in an inconveinient spawn maybe once or twice a game, it didn't go as far as to destroy the fun of the game. And there also was a way out of the map. You could partner jump up to one of the ledges that runs around Foundry and just walk along it until you had the oppurtunity to fall through a crevice. Aesthetics: 6.5/10 This maybe the category in which this map only didn't quite make it. haruki jutsunin made a great map, but I wish he had taken a little more time to polish it. Overall, the map is made well. There is evident use of interlocking and merging. But, the map just came across as lackluster. Aesthetics may not be necessary to balance and durability, but contributes to the overall package. R3imagine had quite a few areas that were very plain and boring. Nothing seemed attractive or appealing to the eye. And in the middle areas on the ends of the wall, I wish he would have perhaps made it look a little nicer and clean. I know it is an MLG map, but even maps like Onslaught have their charms. For the most part it looks average. Originality: 7/10 As a whole R3imagine has a great layout. It really is a well thought of layout that I have seen seldom rivaled in an MLG map. But, still, it wasn;t quite original as to rise above the average map. The wall, although well used and implemented, wasn't a completely new idea, people have been making walls since the first week Foundry came out. And the structures didn't come across as innovative either. There just wasn't anything so unique and new that it grabbed you attention and made you say, "Why didn't I think of that...". Yes, the layout was great, but I really would have like to have seen a little more imagination. Overall: 7.5/10 Overall I would personally reccomend MLG R3imagine to anyone who loves a good competitive game or hardcore MLG Competition. I loved haruki's map, but it's lack of luster may bring it down a little. But as a map, it deserves a rating above average, 7 being average. Perhaps if haruki jitsunin made a V2 and cleaned the map up a little, I would definately consider giving this an 8. It functions well, and I hope to see many more creations from haruki Ok, that was my R3-review since I didn't quite do it correctly the last time. The overall rating is the same but maybe one category dropped .5 points cause I did a more thourough review, but I still love it.
I was dragged into one of those reviews, and for some reason, halostriker and the some of the other guys were too intent on breaking the map instead of playing. They seemed less then enthusiastic about this map, which upset me, because if you don't just look at it in terms of looks, this is one of the most competitive maps out there. Regardless, This map definitely kicks serious portions of ass. But you still need a V2