The gameplay from that blockout of the map is amazing. It's my kind of gameplay where movement is so crucial to it. I'd get sweaty on this. lol... I'd love to get some games in man. Toss me invites if you are running it. Are you targeting coordinated team play on this at all? I'm not sure how new the map is and how much long term testing you've had on it. The nature of the map seems a bit complicated for any lock down setups and I can't get a grasp for how easy it is to get angles on certain key areas of the map for call outs or even what those key areas may be considering the push towards fluidity in movement. Need to play this after the weekend for sure.
That looks beautiful. I love the hallway geometry, although they seemed a little too narrow, along with the rocky area. That's what happened to my most recent post in this thread about my infection map. You were the only one who acknowledged it as far as I know. So I'm gonna post it again haha. Hungry Dino/video/13743371 If you see something that looks like ****, tell me. If you see something that you think should be changed, tell me. If you like something, tell me. Don't hold back, guys. I can handle some criticism.
I like everything you made, but the only hting I can think of aesthetically would be to make each room colored differently. Makeit look more like a real place rather than just everything whitish. I like the rugs and stuff though. otherwise its hard to say since we don't have infection yet!
So, Ive just caught up on the waypoint update. Even though we are a forge site, surely Im not the only one that doesnt want forge in MM so early? Apart from the actual bugs for forge itself, the maps IMO are nowhere near standard for MM due to everyone learning an essentially new system. And from the update, it seems like its more the maps that 343 likes the look of aesthetically. For example, Chronos is highlighted. This is a 2 v 2 symmetrical map with a 3 min Rail gun only on it. Im sure you can guess how well that plays out. We've all seen that shiny pit remake, Bravo has posted in that thread wanting it in MM, and then we have a Pit remake in for Breakout too. A quote from that feature the Breakout pit remake got "We wanted to ensure sword room wasn't able to be camped in, so we decided to put the shotgun in there, to make some combat focus there. " Geee, put a campy weapon in an area they dont want to be campy.
I'm fine with forge maps in a Forge Playlist, but nothing else. As great as some of the maps out there are, they just aren't up to par. I don't agree with it having anything to do with learning the new tool though... while some forgers are still essentially playing with legos, I've seen others doing some amazing work with both aesthetics and design. Dat pit quote doe, the lulz.
That infection map got me feeling sum type of way --- Double Post Merged, Jan 9, 2016 --- I believe they said they're only working on the playlist. I don't think we will be actually getting it this month
You're right, the place does look a little bland. I'll probably do that last and make some carpets a different color such as the carpets in the smaller bedrooms upstairs. If my object count and lightmap permit it, I'll probably throw some 'wallpaper' up in some rooms too. Thanks for the input! Thanks man! I can't wait for infection to drop.
Also, don't be afraid to come up with some unique things to put in the house! You already have some what with the telescope (which mind you, I thought was a turret for a moment) and the fire place, but adding more diverse elements could really help give the place some personality. Paint the walls, add some lamps, maybe there's a disco light in that angsty teen's bedroom, put cold food on the tables (that one could 'eat' by going up to it, holding X and scripting it to vanish Right now your house is filled with a lot of chairs and shelves, and there's nothing wrong with that, but these are pretty common house hold items. In the real world, you have items in your house that I don't have in mine, and that's what makes both our homes unique. Do the same with your forge maps!
Great ideas! I will definitely keep these in mind as I finish the details on this map. Hopefully I will be able to add in some small details like what you mentioned. It all depends on whether I can complete the map under the object count limit and lightmap limit. I'm nearing 950 objects I believe and I'm at about 60% lightmap which I hope to keep under 80%.
Happy that you enjoyed watching the game. I always set out to create maps that are enjoyable to both play and watch. Re: casual shenanigans, this is another area where we may not see eye to eye. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a competitive map. Any map can be played competitively; the players themselves bring the competition, and the map fosters competitive play as long as there is incentive to outplay enemies and win. There is simply empowerment and skill gap, which determines to what degree players can influence gameplay on the map via individual and team-based efforts. Starlight can and already has been played competitively; everyone participating in the playtest lobby had strong incentive to use the map effectively and win. The forge community has long placed core multiplayer maps into "competitive" or "casual" classifications based on this ridiculous notion that the control point/team shot-based gameplay preferred by the current competitive Halo community is the only type of competitive play. This is utter nonsense, and that type of play only came about because of poor empowerment design decisions at the developer level. Utility weapons were removed from the game after CE, time to kill became longer and longer over time, and settings designers unfortunately felt that using super similar two-base, two-tower designs in tournaments was the only way to achieve a large skill gap at the team level. I am ultimately attempting to return individual empowerment to Halo gameplay with Starlight. Similar to Combat Evolved, it is my philosophy that greatly empowering the individual simultaneously empowers the team; the greater potential each player has to be a one man wrecking machine, the greater potential the team has to be a collective wrecking machine. The greater the spontaneous vertical gameplay potential on the map, the greater the individual is empowered to both influence gameplay and to creatively support their team. This is ultimately what I am attempting to achieve on Starlight, and this return of individual empowerment in no way removes the potential for team shot or team movement. Multiple areas of the map are very open in nature, and although players are greatly empowered as individual wolves within the larger wolf pack, there is this awesome incentive to run alongside the alpha wolf (sword bearer) as he/she wrecks havoc around the map. TL;DR, The target audience for this map is players who enjoy this specific kind of vertical gameplay and increased empowerment at the individual level, like me Hopefully I am successful with this endeavor.
@SH1FTY's Guardian almost looks better than the original. Madly impressive dude. @Yekkou some suggestions for your map: There's only one way up to DMR now. Nobody's going to take that Mt Everest clamber jump, so I think we need to look into contextualizing that somehow too. If you want a jump, I would remove the railing and put a few crates down there to make a smoother transition. Might even suggest you take some off the windows off to open it up, or somehow make the position less closed. Kinda treat it like Attic on Sword Base. Also might want to make the glowing columns next to the new Red Spawn thinner. Can't really fight or even melee fight in there. Pushing the wall back might also work. Personally not a fan of that one ceiling accent on the bottom. It crowds the play space. Might think of more, but those are what stuck out running around it. I think it's really shaping up though and we need to get some games on it soon.
I'm sorry, but I can't take you serious when you type like a robot like that. This isn't some courtroom debate here, you can speak casually, please.
"there is no such thing as a competitive map" "there is simply empowerment" Isn't this the same thing? While I agree with your post-a lot of people do have the wrong idea of what makes a map competitive, almost to a degree that the word "competitive" should be banned--I think it should be pointed out that empowering the individual over a certain threshold will leave other players unable to do anything. At one end of the spectrum you have octagon. Octagon doesn't give the player much choice. On the other side of the spectrum you have swiss cheese. And while I love the food, I hate maps that are inspired by it. Such maps give players too much choice. An individual is unable to do anything because he can't possibly predict or counter opponents' moves. Now I'm not saying your map is dairy. It might be. I haven't played it. But it's probably open enough that it's ok.
Great point Chef. Yes, there is most definitely an empowerment threshold. Crossing said threshold leads to overpowered gameplay, but similar to many other guidelines with map design, this threshold is undefined and map dependent. I definitely experiment with this threshold all the time though The key is striking balance between movement opportunity and predictability. My map had some dairy at first in/around one of the buildings, which has been resolved since. You should come play with us soon, man. Re: no such thing as a competitive map/empowerment, I'm just pointing out that while all maps can be played competitively, empowerment exists on a spectrum.
I'm trying to figure out how to post my map on here. It needs some play testing also and I need some help with lighting. I have remade blackout from halo 3 as true to scale as I could. If someone could please help me get it on here I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you