Status of H5 Infection Gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nate Rutledge, Jan 4, 2016.


Do you think the infection gametype will return in the January update?

Poll closed Jan 31, 2016.
  1. Yes! (Fingers crossed)

  2. No. Because we can't have nice things.

  1. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    Where is the infection gametype in H5?
    Will this legendary gametype become an addition in the upcoming January update or will it be swept under the rug? If anyone finds possible clues to Infection making a return in Halo 5 please post to this thread! Infection is a necessary game mode for H5 and I'd hate to see it go. Will infection be 343's big surprise for January? Is infection far away on the Halo 5 timeline? Or will it return at all?!

    Let me know what you guys think will happen!

    -Chicken Forger
  2. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    I remember Ducain23 saying in a video before forge released that when he was at 343, the devs were commenting on how many of the new Forge features would be great for infection maps. It's going to happen eventually.
    Nate Rutledge likes this.
  3. NEKTryhard

    NEKTryhard Legendary

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    I am in no defense of 343 for not including classic gametypes at launch, but I have faith that they will come through for us in the end. The industry is a cold hard place and deadlines are all too real, thus things like this will prob become commonplace in the games we all know and love.
    Nate Rutledge likes this.
  4. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The lack of gametypes was a design choice, not a limitation.
  5. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Call it whatever you want 343 has consistently let me down.
    Nate Rutledge and InvokingTexan like this.
  6. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    So... The January Update is called Infinity's Armory?
    Infinity->War games->game modes->Infection???

    Illuminati Confirmed.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 9, 2016 ---
    This is a picture of one of the new maps they're releasing with this update...
    If you take a close look you can see... FLOOD! IN HALO 5! FOR THE FIRST TIME!

    Okay, maybe not...
    #6 Nate Rutledge, Jan 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  7. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    Here's what 343 had to say about the addition of new gametypes in Halo 5: "Next up, game types. We know many of you are looking forward to jumping into new Halo 5 game types, and the team is hard at work on a wide variety of modes – ranging from competitive modes to Grifball to Fiesta to more. These are currently being slated into future Halo 5 updates, and although final timelines aren’t set just yet, things are going through engineering, test and polish..."

    Its the "more" thats got me excited! But this statement did pretty much shatter our dreams of H5 getting infection for this update... "These are currently being slated into future Halo 5 updates..."

    Maybe they'll add infecton come Febuary? :,(
    #7 Nate Rutledge, Jan 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  8. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    honestly how hard is to create a game type? this is a serious question as i am not a game designer. they keep throwing around words like sustainability but instead of pissing off every player with there lack of content, why dont they just set up the game types to rotate on a weekly basis. that way we are forced to play the different game types and nobody gets bored of the game because it keeps changing. and then we could have infection. Whoever was put in charge of these decisions at 343 was promoted to the point of incompetence.
    Nate Rutledge likes this.
  9. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    When infection comes out it better have a bunch of awesome features/settings! Like H2A X 3...
  10. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    So... Probably no infection for the January update. We can only hope we get it February. :viral:
  11. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Yes definitely no new gametypes for this months update, that's been pretty much confirmed. Josh Holmes has confirmed that they're working on classic gametypes and the first of them will hopefully be coming in February. Let's hope he meant the first wave of them and not literally just one gametype, although based on these past updates having only 1 arena map, etc., I think it's safe to say there will only be one gametype. Let's hope it's infection!
  12. ukilledkenny7

    ukilledkenny7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I don't see Infection happening. My guess in February we'll get Oddball and Assault (including Grifball) and then Infection maybe in either March or April. :/
    Nate Rutledge likes this.
  13. Nate Rutledge

    Nate Rutledge Mythic

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    INFECTION IS OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! Look what Josh Holmes said on twitter!

    Attached Files:

    #13 Nate Rutledge, Jan 27, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    ukilledkenny7 likes this.

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